賢さと愚直さ[Wisdom and Honesty]

投稿者: | 2022-10-10







Wisdom and Honesty

 When I see someone working hard at something, I want to cheer them on. I am not going to judge whether what they are doing is good or not, or whether it is the right thing to do or not, but I am touched by the sight of their hard work and dedication. This is only true when there are no evil desires or interests involved.
 Unfortunately, however, there are many cases where people try hard to die and end up with less-than-desirable results. My sympathy is even stronger when I see them trying their best. It is unbearable to see the younger generation, in particular, being beaten down by lack of results. But such is life, after all.

 It is an important role of those who are close to those who are hurting to be there for them. There is no need to say anything thoughtful. All you need to do is to be there for them without saying a word. No matter how much great advice you can offer, it will be empty if it does not support the person in his or her efforts to get back on his or her feet. What is needed to stand up again is the will of the person who wants to stand up. Even if you can manage to cheer him up for the moment by forcing him to get up, the roots of his disappointment may extend deeper than you can imagine.
 Recovery often takes time. It is not good if the people around him become impatient with him. There is a danger of having the opposite effect if we persistently follow them around, but we should continue to send signals that we are concerned about them. Believing that each person has the power to recover, I want to be a person who can be there for my loved ones in their time of need.

 At such times, I don’t think “good advice” is really that important. If the person in question were mentally ill to begin with, he or she would probably be too distracted to listen.
 However, the reality is that even if you are there for them, you can’t just sit there in “silence. We have to say something. I know it’s not polite to be preachy, and self-help is not my style. On the other hand, there is a danger of breaking his heart if I confront him with what I see as his weaknesses and problems, and that is a very difficult decision to make. It may be necessary to awaken him to some extent, but for the moment, I have not solved the problem of what to say to him.

 It is because we hit it with 100% effort that we get blown away when we don’t get the results we want. Knowing this, some people think, “Don’t go in at 100%. That may have a point. To begin with, there is no such thing as having to tackle everything with all one’s might. Basic physical fitness is one thing, and adjusting one’s “power” such as concentration well is a wise way to live.
 However, if I may express my personal preference, I like people who hit with all their might and bounce back with all their might. I like to support people who put all their heart and soul into things and are not obsessed with the outcome. I cannot hide the fact that I am reminded of my old self in this way. I used to be obsessed with results, though. I think I feel more attached to people who look like me.

 I really don’t know what to say in those situations.


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