Smoky Memories
When I was in high school, there were a large number of students who were found to be smoking so to speak and were suspended from school. By the way, I was not suspended. It was 40 years ago, and back then it was not so unusual for high school students to smoke cigarettes, and it was a common occurrence everywhere. However, at that time, more than 10% of the entire school population disappeared from the school at once, mostly boys who were close to me, and I remember that the school suddenly became somewhat deserted.
I think the general pattern was for the students to be suspended from school for a week or so, to be placed under house arrest, to write a letter of remorse, to apologize, and to return to school. However, my alma mater was a slightly different kind of high school, where students were punished for violating school rules and regulations, and they saw such opportunities as the perfect chance to practice human education. Therefore, the students who were usually noticed by the teachers were not fit into the general pattern, and they were squeezed a lot by the teachers just at this moment.
No matter how bad a student normally is, he or she is forced to face himself or herself no small amount of the time while under house arrest. If they did not, they would not be able to write a proper reflection, and if they only pretended to be sorry, the teachers would probably see right through them. Some of the students were not able to come back and even left the school without returning. The teachers were serious.
When I drink with my friends from high school, we sometimes talk about that time. One of my classmates, with whom I am still good friends, was one of the students who was suspended from school at the time. He said that there was a promise that he would be reinstated if he gave up the names of the friends with whom he smoked cigarettes. Unfortunately, I have not been there, so I do not know for sure, but from what I have heard, it sounds like the kind of “plea bargaining” that you often see in American crime dramas.
In fact, if a high school student were to be confronted with such an exchange of terms in the mentally straitened state of being “suspended,” he would have felt as guilty as if he were in a police interrogation room, and the pressure would have been crushing. It is also possible that the situation could have turned into resentment. It is understandable that he would have been so terrified that he could not afford to think about his surroundings and would have been left with only a bad impression of the situation. He(my classmate) told me that even now he still can’t get over the question of how “selling” your friends can lead to human education. I guess that’s what I think.
I can speak for the teachers of that time. “True friendship is not about covering for each other’s sins. I think they wanted to encourage students to face up to their own sins, be independent, and aim to build a relationship of mutual respect and trust. It is certainly not a good thing for high school students to smoke cigarettes. However, I believe that the teachers wanted to make this incident an opportunity for each student to look at his or her own life, not just to tell them how bad it is.
Education is difficult. Even if teachers do what they do with sincerity, it is impossible to know whether it will be accepted as they intend. In fact, some of my classmates have a lot of hatred toward my alma mater. No, it is more likely to be misinterpreted. However, I hope that teachers of all ages will continue on the path they are on, believing that one day their students will understand them.
Selling” friends is a strong word, isn’t it?