Silent Majority
We see reports of protest rallies and marches around the world, including Japan. These movements may be the catalyst for building a new public opinion in the future. Any great change may have started out as a small movement. Conversely, it is unlikely that major reforms will come out of nowhere; they usually take a long time.
And the fact is that most movements, even if they gain momentum for a short period of time, disappear before long. Just as fashion fads come and go, most protest movements pass away sooner or later. One must admit that it is very difficult to change something in society.
I think that the number of people participating in such movements that are covered in the press is small. When shown in videos or photos, it may look like a huge number of people are participating, but in reality, I believe that the number of people participating is not that large.
I think that it really takes a lot of energy for each individual to participate in a march or demonstration. I think that is proof that they share a strong awareness of the issues. I wonder if they are in a state of mind filled with a sense of justice, as if they cannot remain silent. Even if they are not the party involved in some problem, they are people with perhaps the most human warmth, who do not think of those in need as strangers, but as people who are working together. This is not an action that anyone can take. I am deeply impressed. Unfortunately, I must repeat that those who stand on the side of the weak are in the minority.
The reason why the protests, which are so loud and grandiose on the TV news, end up as just protests, and why their impact on policy is so slow to be felt, is because the majority of people are conservatives, or people who are averse to change.
If they remain quiet and take no action, the status quo will not change. I think the overwhelming majority of people think that there is no need for change. They are fine with the way things are now, so no matter how many people are in need or how wrong they think the policies and laws are, there is no need to waste energy to support the change. No, in fact, they don’t want them to change.
I believe that those who cry out for change tend to be the so-called socially vulnerable, those who are discriminated against, those who suffer from environmental problems, and so on. And in the end, economic problems are often involved. In this sense, there are a surprisingly large number of people who are not suffering and are living without problems, which may be why the cries for change are not becoming louder. If that is the case, then nothing will change unless those suffering people become the majority. It will take a long time for that to happen, and even if they do become the majority, at that point it will probably be too late for us, even if the politics start to move.
What we need to do is to put ourselves in the shoes of those in need and extend a helping hand to them, rather than just saying, “It’s good enough for me. We need to think about a better future for all of us. If more people could do that, society would move more quickly. We don’t necessarily have to actually go out and campaign or march. We can be there for the vulnerable with the one vote we are already given. I wish each of us could have an independent mindset instead of leaving it up to someone or something else.
Of course, there are different kinds of protest movements.