それぞれの境界線[Boundaries of Each]

投稿者: | 2023-07-12



 ところがここまで考えると、いつも私の心の迷い声が聞こえてくる。「神さまは無駄なことはないと仰っているではないか」と。果たして神さまは“無謀な愚策”にも「とことん挑戦してみろ!」と命令されるのだろうか。私の身体や心がどうなろうとも、 “どんなことからも”逃げずに、命がけで闘いなさいと仰るのだろうか。




Boundaries of Each

 The Bible says, “There must have been no trial that came upon you that you could not endure as a human being. God is true. He will not put you through trials that you cannot endure, but has prepared for you a way of escape so that you may be able to endure them” (1 Corinthians 10:13). I interpret this verse to mean, “There is no trial that God gives you that you cannot endure, so go through whatever trial you face. It is also the phrase that supports the idea that “nothing in life is wasted,” which I frequently describe.
 In reality, however, I have not yet reached the point where I am able to say, “I will not run away from anything. I am ambitious, and I want to continue to challenge myself and improve myself, but I am intimidated by the phrase, “no matter what. There are some things I can’t stand. That is my current limitation, and I guess that is where my resolve is lacking. However, I am afraid of the reality that if I push myself too hard, I will suffer from physical and mental abnormalities.

 Let me give you an example. I have a low “capacity,” or perhaps a low tolerance as a human being, especially when it comes to matters that are mentally taxing. I think I simply have a weak heart. But perhaps because of my high sensitivity, when I hear someone’s sad story, I am carried away by it. I am also affected by it and feel sad together with them. And once I fall, the damage is so great that it takes me a long time to come back.
 I am well aware that I am very clumsy, but even so, there is no sign that I will ever be able to recover well. I feel that if I have to go through the same kind of situation over and over again, I will forget my normal state of mind and I will become ill. I guess I will never get used to situations that make my heart sink.

 I do not know the boundary line between being there for other people’s problems or taking on something else, to what extent it is a courageous challenge and to what extent it is a reckless folly. Perhaps the line is drawn differently for each person. I think that’s fine, and I don’t need to engage in reckless foolishness.
 However, when I think this far, I always hear my mind wandering. God says that there is no such thing as a waste of time. I wonder if God really commands us to “try as hard as you can” even in the face of “reckless foolishness. Does God command me to fight for my life, not to run away from anything, no matter what happens to my body or mind?

 I don’t know. I don’t know, so I have to pray. The only way I know is to pray and listen to the voice of my heart and the voice of God. However, there is definitely a part of me that does not want to push myself to the point of physical destruction. What in the world does God want me to do?
 At the end of the previous passage of Scripture, we read, “He has prepared for me a way of escape so that I may be able to endure it. I’ll have to dig a little deeper into this and come up with an interpretation, but for my part, I’m honestly hoping right now that this verse means, “It’s okay to run away sometimes.

 I don’t want to be in the care of an ambulance anymore~!


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