Visual Worship
Simply put, I make my living creating media for advertising and promotion. I mainly make PR videos for schools and companies, but I also produce and manage websites and print materials such as pamphlets and flyers. It is not an easy job unless you are sensitive to the latest trends. I myself am not the type of person who likes to follow the latest trends, but I have managed to keep up with them thanks to the staff around me who keep me informed. However, I feel that I am losing the ability to keep up.
It seems that information is now being communicated mainly through social networking services (SNS). I often visit X when I have time, but I am stuck there. I can’t bring myself to use any other app. It’s not just the younger demographic, there are so many people now who get their information from watching YouTube and TikTok videos. If you’re not using Instagram, you’re already behind the times. If that is the case, I have been completely left behind. I have an Instagram account just in case I need to use it for something, but I rarely use it in my personal life, YouTube is exclusively for watching sports highlights, and I don’t know about TikTok.
I got my foot in the door of the video industry because I wanted to be a filmmaker, and that was about 30 years ago. Back then, cell phones were just coming out, let alone smartphones, and not everyone was comfortable taking video. Video cameras for TV broadcasting were extremely expensive, costing as much as 10 million yen for the lens, body, and recording device combined. Film cameras used in commercials and film production were even more expensive, the price of which was unknown. So the cameramen who took pictures were limited to selected people, people with authority, so to speak, who were revered by the staff. From an upright position, they would bow their heads and say, “Please!” It was like that. It was like an athletic club. Even now, just hearing the word “photographer” makes me long to be one. I respect them.
Perhaps it is because the customs of those days have been ingrained in me, but I just can’t seem to do the work of “taking a video. There is nothing I can’t do, but I don’t think I am qualified to do it. I have this obsession that unless one has had a certain amount of training and experience in various types of filming, one should not touch a video camera. I guess it’s because I feel that video is something sacred to me.
There are many great videos on YouTube that are filmed well, but there are also some fugly ones that make me want to shout, “Don’t mock the video! I really feel bad when I see them. TikTok videos are out of the question.
I think I am already in a difficult frame of mind to work in the advertising world, and not just because of the quality of the images. It’s not that I can’t keep up with the times, but rather that I don’t want to keep up with the times. I don’t want to follow the idea of “jumping at whatever is popular. I don’t think there is any truth in that. I am becoming more and more eager to find the real thing, away from the goal of working and making money. Sure, I’m getting older.
I’ll at least take a video of my daughter’s athletic events, though.