混迷の時代に[In a time of turmoil]

投稿者: | 2024-07-16







In a time of turmoil

 I suspect that many people fear “change”. Especially the older we get, the more we want the same stability. It becomes more difficult to adapt to change. I also feel that this tendency is becoming stronger the older I get. I wonder if this is especially true for Japanese people.
 If this is correct, it will be difficult to “reform” various things in an aging society. As time goes by and people’s lifestyles change, there are many things that would be better reformed, but “staying the same” is prioritized over “getting better. In this society, I feel that “change” is such a difficult thing to do.
 I am not saying that everything should be changed, but of course there are things that should not be changed. I don’t think it is wrong to change everything, assuming that it is important to be discerning about such things. I am not saying that we should force ourselves to be young, but if we truly believe that modification or revision is necessary, we should do it without fear or trouble.

 Also, there will be many people who will oppose reform not only because they are mentally afraid of simple change, but also to maintain their vested interests and economic base. This makes the issue more complicated, but I still think it is wrong that the interests of many others are being undermined by ensuring only their own interests. A system that benefits only a few is not right. I believe that everyone should be given equal opportunities to live, regardless of birth, upbringing, age, race, or anything else. I know that this is a bit of a wild suggestion given the reality of the opposite situation, but I really think it should be so.
 I believe that an equal society is one in which those who work hard are rewarded for their efforts. Welfare and care for the socially vulnerable cannot be given unless the basic system functions equally. I believe that only when people feel that they have benefited from equality can they want to contribute to the vulnerable. I don’t know that many people who are capable of doing good without asking for anything in return. People with money do not try to give back to society, but rather to accumulate more.

 When people feel the world is at an impasse in their lives and the need for reform is loudly called for, people with dictatorial and radical statements emerge and attract attention. They do not listen to the opinions of others, but only advance their own principles and arguments. Such behavior and actions do not seem very democratic to me, but they actually campaign and win a surprisingly large number of votes from the radicals and young voters.
 Perhaps it is not surprising that people seeking salvation in these troubled times are sometimes attracted by the power of words, regardless of their content. Perhaps this has happened many times in history.

 I believe in the Christian God. I have no patience with the attitude of people who incite people with radical phrases or who only try to push through with their own entrenched arguments. There is no God’s love there.
 I think it is fine for each person to have his or her own ideas. However, we should not be misled by temporary fads or loud voices because of the insecurity of our own hearts. I want you to examine with your own heart and examine whether or not the words are genuine, whether or not they are the words you are seeking from the bottom of your heart. There are certain things that must not change.

 People who can give unconditionally are really great!


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