一手間かける[Put in a Little Work]

投稿者: | 2024-08-01







Put in a Little Work

 When I am praying or reading the Bible, I am not the same person I am when I am doing anything else. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m a different person, but the moment I finish praying, I say, “Okay! Let’s get on with our day!” and so on, I immediately forget God in a bad way. How can I keep God in the middle of my heart and talk or work with someone through Him? I am really struggling with this.
 I guess it is true if I say that human beings are such weak beings, but I am not willing to take any measures and let things be as they are. I think that God is not saying that we should do nothing.

 When we talk with people, we are responding with a conditioned reflex, or rather, we are not thinking about each word as we speak. In most cases, our mouths are moving before our brains can think.
 I think that putting an extra step in this natural process will interfere with one of my most important functions, that of “speaking. First of all, the tempo of my speech will slow down, and the change in the content of my speech may cause a major change in my personality, which is not an exaggeration. And I am the one who is daring to take on that. I really wonder if it will be okay. ……

 I feel like the barriers are high because I am trying to go through God. What if I make it feel like I’m trying to be relative to others through “Jesus?” Actually, it doesn’t feel right to me yet, but in the school of Christian church where I was baptized, the “Trinity” is considered to be three in one: God the Father, His only Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I would be offended if I am wrong, but I understand it to mean that God and Jesus are to be considered equally. I understand it to mean that we should not think of the three as separate and distinct. This way of thinking helps me to simplify and deepen my understanding of the Bible, but when I put God and Jesus together, there are still times when there is a contradiction in my mind. I’m not convinced, or rather, I’m not sure.
 At my current level of Christian beginner, I still think it is better to think of the Father and the Son separately. God is still so far away from me that it is hard for me to talk to Him casually. I wish I could talk to him in a friendly way, like “Daddy.” …… I still feel more approachable to Jesus. If I were to ask Jesus to always remember me in my heart and be like an intermediary between others and me, I would really say that Jesus is easier to ask. I think it is more likely to be habitual to deal with others through Jesus rather than God.

 Back to the point. There is a fear that a change in the content of the words I utter will change my personality. It may not change. I will try in any case. Always have fellowship with others through Jesus. If I can make that a habit, the world will change a bit again.
 I am not trying to be a serious person. Nor am I trying to pursue my ideal image. It’s just that I can’t overlook the fact that I, who harbor malice toward others and get irritated over small things, am so far removed from the person I am when I am with God. I hope that any changes that may come will be right in the Lord.

 And not just when we talk.


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