光と闇[Light and Darkness]

投稿者: | 2024-08-14

 「初めに、神は天地を創造された。地は混沌であって、闇が深淵の面にあり、神の霊が水の面を動いていた。神は言われた。「光あれ。」こうして、光があった。神は光を見て、良しとされた。神は光と闇を分け、光を昼と呼び、闇を夜と呼ばれた。夕べがあり、朝があった。第一の日である。(創世記1章 1~5節)






Light and Darkness

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was chaos, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving upon the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light.” Thus there was light. God saw the light and was good. And God divided the light from the darkness, and called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening, and there was morning. The first day. (Genesis 1:1-5)
 Today I would like to write on a theme inspired by a sermon given by the pastor at the church I attend on a recent Sunday. The pastor simply said, “Light and darkness are one set. That they are inseparable, and that it is only when both light and darkness are present that we have a “day”. The day on earth in which we live is complete.

 Along with this, that this set also exists in the heart of each of us. No matter how devastated we are, no matter how much our hearts sink into darkness, there will always be light, and that light will always be hope. How this encourages me. Sometimes I despair of my sinfulness and my weakness, and it is hard for me to stand up. Each time, I try to get myself back on my feet, believing that “God will have mercy on me and give me grace,” but it is still a tough recovery.
 What if the light had been prepared for me from the beginning? I know that God loves me, but I feel even more encouraged when I know that hope is already prepared for me. I feel like I can do one more thing, supported by God’s love and hope.

 On the other hand, and this is where my imagination comes in, no matter how well things are going and how joyful we feel, there is an evil heart that exists on the other side, luring us into a feeling of egotism and superiority. I believe that in the Lord, the good heart and the bad heart exist as one set, and that is why we must always remember God’s presence. We must not forget that we are used in various situations by God, who is in charge of everything that happens around us. We are never able to operate on our own, and we must not become complacent. Evil is always very close behind us, and I see it as if it is trying to get into our hearts. No matter how much we try to keep it away, it is always right behind us.
 What is a bit of a relief, however, is that it is undeniably a sin to be ruled by an evil mind, so we try to avoid it as much as possible, which is a natural phenomenon for us as human beings, or in a sense, a natural phenomenon. The element of succumbing to evil is provided for us along with light.

 I have both light and darkness in my life, but it is still a relief to know that light is always available to me. It is as if I have received a message from God saying, “Do not be afraid.
 If I am active, the possibility of being enveloped by the light increases, but at the same time, the danger of sinking into darkness also increases. Once again, life is full of thrills and dangers. But we cannot improve ourselves if we are afraid. We should live in search of the light, even though we are frightened by the shadows of darkness. I want to live without fear. No matter what happens, God’s love and glory will surely save me.

 Everyone has “darkness in their hearts.


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