書き方[Writing style]

投稿者: | 2022-02-24







Writing style

 As I write at least 1,200 words a day, my writing habits start to emerge. I try to use different phrases as much as possible, but I guess I don’t have the skill, so I end up using the same phrases over and over again. I’ve never taken any kind of “writing lessons,” and I’ve come this far on my own. In addition to the content, I feel that my writing style is getting stuck in a rut.

 As much as I would like many people to read my writing, I have no intention of learning how to write for them. It would be cool to say that I’m pure, but I think I’m just plain stubborn. If I learn how to write correctly, maybe I can write better quality sentences, and then I might be able to reach a different level. This is the part that intrigues me, but I want to maintain my originality, even if it means writing poorly. I’d like to believe that the “weak point” of my work will eventually become “flavor. Even if I’m good at it, I don’t want to write in the same way as everyone else. I want to compete by writing in a way that I think is good. If people don’t read it, then it’s not worth reading. That’s all there is to it. If I try to copy someone else’s style, it’s just empty, and I don’t think I can continue with that.

 I’m extremely lazy when it comes to learning, but there are a few things I pay attention to when writing. The most important thing is rhythm. This is quite a difficult and time-consuming task. I have to read my writing many times in silence to create a “wavelength” in my writing that I can read to others. I don’t know much about music, but I sometimes feel as if I am writing a musical score. I believe that if I can “compose” well, it will lead to “readability”.
 In general, I try to focus on a single theme in each article. I go back to memories of the past, discuss the challenges I’m facing now, worry, get angry, and take various detours here and there, but I try to tie them all together to arrive at a single hint or realization. I’m always happy when people think, “I see, that’s what it’s all about. Unfortunately, I am not clever enough to be able to make many different dishes with many different ingredients.
 There are other ways of expressing myself, such as pretending to be strong, using roundabout expressions, and ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase, with the feeling you have at that moment. It’s a loving attempt to find the right words out of a small vocabulary. Also, since I tend to use “I think” at the end of sentences, I try to use other words such as “I consider” or “I feel” instead, so that I don’t end up using the same word in a row. On the other hand, when I use a series of words, I sometimes do so on purpose to emphasize.
 The use of 「」and “” brackets is also quite ingenious. And it is also very difficult to decide whether to use a punctuation mark or not, and if so, where to use it. Basically, I don’t like to use punctuation marks, but I try to use them in consideration of readability and rhythm. I sometimes use kanji, hiragana, and katakana instead of punctuation marks.

 I have been taking measures to prevent myself from getting stuck in a rut, but in reality, it seems to be a limited function. I would like to find a way out by reading more books. The more I continue writing, the more troubles I will have. I wonder how much longer I can keep writing.

 There are so many preliminaries, like “but…”


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