女性の味方[Women’s Allies]

投稿者: | 2022-05-01







Women’s Allies

 Unfortunately, I think there is a tendency for men to “look down” on women in general. I consider myself a person who does not have such a sense, but I think it must be there in me, too, even if I am not aware of it. As I have grown older, I think this sense of discrimination has faded to the point where I don’t really notice it, but I do remember that it was certainly there when I was a child, at the childish level of “women cry easily” or “women are slow runners. It is hard to imagine that among the same people that I am, that sense of discrimination would disappear and disappear, even though the years have passed. So I assume that it is there.

 Another reason why I think there will be a sense of discrimination against women in me is that I have a tendency to instantly devalue a person when I find fault with them for something. For example, if someone forgets an appointment easily, or more simply, if they are sloppy in their appearance, or something small like that, I may sputter and dismiss that person. I try to remind myself, “No, you can’t do that, you make mistakes too,” but it’s hard for me to control it. I think there is something like a fundamental sense of discrimination lurking within me. In other words, I tend to be selective, not only toward women, but toward everyone.

 A woman can carry a child inside her. In many cases, the pregnancy will be the fruit of love between a man and a woman. In one respect alone, women are superior to men in being able to perform this miracle of giving birth to a child, which is normally impossible for a man. All human beings are born from women. Therefore, women are greater than men. (Just to be clear, I’m not making the ridiculous argument that infertile women are inferior.)
 Thinking like that makes men seem stupid. They feel good about discriminating against beings who are superior to them, without realizing that they are. The truth may be that “men are just trying to be chic in the hands of women.

 One boss reprimanded his female subordinate for getting pregnant, saying, “You should plan your childbearing more deliberately. I was angry and said to myself, “That’s not true. Nowadays, this is the kind of comment that could not be excused even if he were to be sued for “power harassment. It is not right for a supervisor to control what goes on between a husband and wife, and subordinates need not be upset by such words. They should just do it when they have to do it. If you keep saying things like that, the birthrate will continue to decline. The supervisor probably really wanted to congratulate her, but since he would be in a difficult situation personnel-wise considering she would be on maternity leave, his true feelings must have just spilled out of his mouth. But he should never have said those words.
 The boss is not such a bad person. Maybe he is just a normal Japanese person. I have the impression that such disdain for women is common among people above a certain age group. When I listen to various news stories related to the disdain for women, I am reminded that this is a profile of Japanese society. Perhaps I am one of them and am regarded as an enemy of women? I consider myself a friend of all women at all times. ……

 Not at all, it’s not just power harassment if he is unlucky.


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