本質の捉え方[How to capture the essence]

投稿者: | 2022-05-09







How to capture the essence

 I often read the kind of books called “self-help books. Perhaps I am at that “age”. I think that these kinds of books are often written with the aim of changing one’s life by trying to draw out one’s dormant potential or by making a few small changes in one’s daily life. I can’t say for sure.
 I read a book titled “How to Win Friends and Influence People (Complete Version). It was written by an American author, and the original version was written in 1936. I was skeptical that such an old enlightenment book would have any relevance to those of us living in the modern age, but after reading the book, I did not feel that it was so old-fashioned. I found the contents of the book to be sufficiently informative. It is a world-famous business book, which proves that “good things are appreciated beyond time. The contents were all convincing, and I found myself nodding my head many times as I read, saying “I see!.

 My impression of the book is that it urges readers to “go back to the basics” rather than “self-education. Such as “be kind to others,” “put yourself in the other person’s shoes,” “listen to what others have to say,” and “don’t just pursue your own interests and be assertive. I see it as a return to the “discipline” we were once subjected to. In a society where the law of the jungle, I believe that this is a lesson to “regain your humanity. I read it as if the author was teaching us that doing so will eventually lead us to “success”. The book was easy to read and also peaceful.

 However, the book was written by an American, and the logical premise of “how to understand human nature,” that is, “human beings are such and such creatures,” was a little uncomfortable for me as a Japanese person. The author asserts that “human beings are creatures that are always in pursuit of ‘the feeling that they are needed. To me, this could be read as “If you raise their self-esteem and sense of usefulness, you can manipulate them at will. This may be a bit of an extreme interpretation.
 When trying to write a book, I think it is quite difficult to take into account the diversity of human beings and explain my ideas in a way that fits various patterns. So I assume that the authors make some assumptions and then solve the problem. In this book, too, as mentioned above, the content is developed in a way that limits the inherent characteristics of human beings. While I approve of such an approach, however, I have the impression that the book’s premise is a bit too aggressive.

 Perhaps that is the difference between Japanese and Americans. In relation to the “discipline” mentioned earlier, I think that the Japanese have a habit of regarding modesty as a virtue. We have been told to “always be modest. I believe that the encouragement to be kind to others is taken as a matter of course in Japan. In other words, many people in Japan think negatively of the selfish way of life.
 Of course, there are many people among the Japanese population who are in line with the type of person that the author of this book assumes, so I am not rejecting his way of thinking completely. I think it is a valid approach to some extent. However, compared to the situation in the U.S., I wonder if this method is less likely to work around me.

 I guess the book only works among successful people.


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