それはそれ、これはこれ[That’s it, this is it.]

投稿者: | 2022-07-12

 私が生まれ育った国、愛してやまない日本国の首相を務めた方が天に召された。67歳という若さだったそうだ。街頭で演説していた最中に銃撃され、突然の死を迎えることとなってしまった。彼の生前の言動や行ってきたことを見ていて、「こんな惨劇がいつか起こるかもしれない」と思っていた自分がいたので、「現実に起こってしまったんだ」と呆然とした。妄想と現実が錯綜するような少し宙に浮いているような精神状態の時に、胸骨圧迫を必死に施している女性の映像が目に飛び込んできた。涙が噴き出した。ただただ悲しかった。「Oh, my GOD」。自然と口から二回こぼれ出た。私の「死」に対する感じ方が変わってきているかもしれないと感じた。






That’s it, this is it.

 The former prime minister of the country I was born and raised in, the country I love dearly, has passed away at the young age of 67. He was shot while giving a speech in the street, and his death was sudden and unexpected. Looking at what he had said and done before his death, I found myself thinking that such a tragedy might happen someday, and I was stunned to realize that it had actually happened. In a state of mind that left me a bit suspended in mid-air, a kind of confusion between fantasy and reality, the image of a woman frantically administering chest compressions flashed into my mind’s eye. Tears erupted. I was just sad. Oh, my GOD. It spontaneously spilled out of my mouth twice. I felt that my perception of death might be changing.

 I heard that many comments and condolences came from all over the world. Each of the terrestrial TV stations seemed to be doing their best to report the news. Newspapers and the Internet also covered this topic extensively.
 As expected in Japan, where freedom of speech is guaranteed, a variety of opinions were posted on the Internet. I don’t like to read such articles, so I didn’t read many of them, but as expected, some of them sounded alarm bells about the “mood of mourning. Some of them said, “I’m not sad because what the former prime minister did was inexcusable.” Some even said, “It’s too bad he died before he could atone for his crimes.

 I, too, disagree with the policies that the former prime minister implemented during his lifetime. I am firmly opposed to the constitutional reforms and other measures that seemed to lead Japan in the direction of a rightward tilt. But that is fine. There is my way of thinking and there is his way of thinking, they just differ. That is never a reason not to mourn a single person who fell by a deadly bullet and was taken to heaven.
 I don’t know much about democracy or how it works this way during elections. But I think we can all agree that, wrong as his methods may have been, and as wrong as he may have been at times, he was a man who worked sickeningly hard for Japan. He was murdered. I think we have more than enough reason to grieve.

 It is noble to continue to say what we think is different. We should continue to do so. If it is not accepted, it will probably be a hard and painful process. But I feel that the meaning of a person’s life is hidden in continuing. I want to do my best, and I want them to do their best.
 But I cannot accept the act of converting that unacceptable fact into disgust and putting it on one person’s death. Isn’t that proof that the person relies too much on Mr. Abe? Or is he delirious, having suddenly lost his greatest enemy? Either way, I think it is a sign that the person is not “independent.
 When we die, we are all one person, aren’t we? We are members of a family, parents or children of someone else. At least when they die, they should be returned to their families, not hounded. No one should be allowed to threaten the sanctity of life.

 With deepest respect, may he rest in peace.


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