ブログで稼ぐ(その1)[Earn money with a blog (Part 1)]

投稿者: | 2022-07-17







Earn money with a blog (Part 1)

 I finally reached the milestone of my estimated earnings of 1 yen, a milestone that took me more than 1 year and 7 months and 600 articles. I was extremely happy. Let me tell you about the advertising revenue I earned from running this blog. It is still an estimated amount, and since the system does not allow me to cash it in until I have accumulated up to 8,000 yen, I am not sure if that one yen will really be my earnings yet. It is possible that I will always have zero yen in the future, and possibly never have 8,000 yen saved up and coming to me forever. But what is the magnitude of this excitement? Why am I so excited about a mere ¥1?

 I started this blog because I have always had a “diary habit” and I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with others. I dreamed that it would be great if I could connect with someone by continuing to share my thoughts and feelings. So I concentrated on writing every day first, and did not try to do anything in particular to attract customers. I just thought, “I’ll figure it out eventually. Therefore, the expression “it took one year and seven months” may be a bit exaggerated.

 After a year of writing, I began to wonder if I could not make it more profitable since I had spent so much time and worked so hard on it every day. I have a lot of debt, and I don’t have a lot of money to live on. “Combining hobby and profit,” I think it would be great if I could make a little profit from what I like to do now.
 With this in mind, I have been scouring the Internet, mainly reading articles with headlines like “side hustles” and “make money blogging,” as well as reading books on the subject. I tried Google Adsense several times, but it didn’t pass the test.

 I also consulted a friend whom I trust who is bright in this field, and his view was the same conclusion as mine. Still, I was reluctant to give up, so I kept trying to think of a better way. Then, thinking this was my last chance, I started making minor changes to the site about a month ago. I changed the “theme” of the WordPress site I was using and drastically altered the layout. I am very pleased with the way I have been able to organize the collection of text-only articles without photos into a style that I like. I also added a “Like” button.
 I also tried SEO, but since my blog is not about a single subject, such as “cars,” and the content is different every day, I felt that there was no point in trying to constantly bring my blog to the top of the search results. Therefore, I stopped putting effort into this SEO strategy. Paid plug-ins from two companies were installed, but unfortunately, the cost-effectiveness was quite low. We worked reasonably hard on it, and I think our knowledge and skills increased somewhat, but it did not lead to any results. In hindsight, this could have been predicted from the beginning, but it couldn’t be helped. Everything is an experience.

 (Continue to (Part 2)


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