真剣に取り組む[Taking seriously]

投稿者: | 2022-07-25







Taking seriously

 I usually try to exude an air of an adult who seems unfazed by trivial events, as if to say “people are people and I am me. I am not sure if I am able to do so, but that is the direction I am trying to go. Therefore, I act as if I don’t care what people around me think about me. The other day, however, I had an experience that made me realize that I am a person who really wants to be recognized.

 It was at a training session with 11 other participants. During the scene where each person was expressing his or her opinion in turn, I thought about it really seriously in my own way and gave my impressions. I was quite confident in my thoughts and assumed that the others would agree with me. However, although there was not even a rebuttal, simply put, I was passed over. There was no response from everyone to my opinion.
 For some reason, I felt uncharacteristically embarrassed and said in my mind, “What the heck! I gave you such a good opinion!” I felt a little bit of anger. I didn’t say anything in response to the lack of response, but inside I was angry, embarrassed, and depressed for a short period of time. I think I was simply upset because I had done my best and not been recognized by everyone. Of course, on the surface, I was trying to appear calm.

 I think that was proof that I was taking the workshop seriously. I am not always so upset when I am ignored. This time, I realized that the more serious I am, the more strongly I may want to be recognized. In that sense, I think I learned another lesson about myself, and at the same time, I became aware of the effects of “seriousness.
 It is difficult to put 100% concentration into anything at any time. Finding the right moment to put in the effort may become more and more important as I get older. But once again, I was reminded of the importance of taking things seriously.

 I would like to add one more thing that I felt I learned. The more seriously we think about things, the more confident we can be in our own opinions, but this has the fragility to fall into “overconfidence” if we are not careful. I would think, “I’ve thought this through so hard, there’s no doubt about it, I’m right!” and I could not leave any room for doubt. I had lost my cool. In the short time I had before my turn to speak, I did not have time to consider this and that, but my head was spinning at high speed, and I was sure I had produced a good opinion. It was impossible not to love an opinion that I had developed with boiling passion. It was true that I had no choice but to be overly upset because I had been ignored.
 However, I believe that this is not the way to create peace. I want to be a part of creating peace more than anything else, but if I think that my opinion is the only correct one, the road to peace will always remain steep. It is wonderful to have confidence in one’s own opinion, and it is impossible to have a discussion if one does not have a firm and unshakeable opinion. I think many people agree with me on this point, but if we don’t have an ear for other people’s opinions, we will never be able to end conflict.

 I think I’m a very focused person.


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