燃えるような心(その3)[The Burning Heart (Part 3)]

投稿者: | 2022-09-10







The Burning Heart (Part 3)

 In a pinch, I explored the feelings that popped up when I was stuck, and found that they were the following emotions. I was filled with such words as “I don’t want to admit defeat,” “It’s not my fault,” “It’s his fault,” “I hate him,” and so on. These dirty words came pouring out of my heart. This is my truth. I had never been able to dig that deep and look into my own mind before. I had an ungainly fear that if I did that, something would end.
 If I were to publicly vent these words, my humanity would be perceived by the world as broken, and I would be ostracized from society, no exaggeration. That is why I cannot and will not say it. And that is fine. In other words, I am conscious of the way people see me, so I hide my true feelings and present myself in a false way. No wonder then that I am stuck.

 As I mentioned earlier, I am extremely self-centered, and I think that the ugly me who thinks “as long as I am good enough, others are unimportant” is my true self. This explains the various doubts I have been harboring. I think that I unconsciously cover up my true nature by using knowledge, social skills, experience, wisdom, etc., so that people around me do not find out that I am such a mean person. When I am in a pinch, this cover is almost pulled away to reveal the ugliest me, the one I do not want others to see. I still try to cover it up somehow, but my body stiffens in the face of crisis, and in the end, the only thing I can do is to look for excuses after the fact.

 Even as I write this, I do not want my true self to be so ugly. I hope I am mistaken. Because it is very painful to admit this, and I am feeling the pain now that my ego is being bruised.

 If this is true, then I am lying when I say that I want to live for others. I am nothing more than a hypocrite pretending to be a “good person” on the surface, when deep down I know that I am the most important person in the world. Ah, but I realize now that it really must be true. I even feel as if a knot has been lifted from my chest.
 I thought I was a “good person. I had been thinking a lot about myself and my surroundings, unaware of the discrepancy between the facts and my perception. If the starting point of my thinking is not correct, it is inevitable that I will not be able to come up with the answers I need.

 As I have written many times before, I am basically a useless person. I am the kind of person who has a hard time continuing what I have decided to do once I have made up my mind to do it, and I also have a tendency to get angry easily whenever I feel bad about something, which is not good. But to be honest, I didn’t think I was this bad. No, I had noticed that it was probably about that, but maybe I just didn’t want to admit it, so I tried not to look at it.

 (Continue to (Part 4)


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