二周目[Lap 2]

投稿者: | 2022-09-27







Lap 2

 There are times when I just can’t concentrate. The more impatient I get, the more distracted I become, and a vicious cycle begins. I think the best thing to do in such a situation is to give up and go to bed, but sometimes that is not possible under the circumstances, and life does not always go as smoothly as we would like it to. The enemy is always within us. It is really difficult for me to keep a normal mind at all times.

 When I try to concentrate, I say the Lord’s Prayer first. I always do this right before every meal and I also pray it when I need to calm my mind. It would be nice if I could enter a meditative state just by doing this, but sometimes it is not possible at all. I try looking out the window or walking around a bit, but it doesn’t help at all. When I get stuck, I reach for the Bible. I think the Bible is a really difficult book to read and understand. It is also a mysterious book, as I often get a different impression each time I read it, even if it is the same passage.
 I do not mean to glorify the Bible by force. To be honest, I have never completed reading through the Bible, and I don’t think I am fully qualified to speak about it in the first place. I’m still not a good reader. I have to read until the book falls to pieces. Because of that level of reading, I haven’t reached the level where I can pick up any passage and be attracted to it, but even so, when I come across a passage that catches my attention, I naturally concentrate on it more. Even if I don’t understand it, I try my best to read it in my own way, and before I know it, I find that I am able to concentrate considerably. I have written about the Bible as if it were a tool for improving my concentration, but I am not lying about the fact that it is a book that has this effect on me.

 When I run out of things to write about on this blog, I’m thinking of turning it into a “Bible blog” where I describe my own way of reading and understanding the Bible. That way, I won’t run out of material for a while, and the content won’t be so flamboyant. Although I think I should avoid too much heavy content, I hope that it will be a group of writings that I will not regret when I read them again later on. In that sense, every day is a serious battle.

 When I decide, “Okay, this is what I’m going to write about today,” I sometimes feel as if I have written about it before. I really don’t remember, but I feel a stirring in my heart, and when I do a keyword search in the blog, I sometimes find sentences with similar content. ‘I never thought I’d write something like this!’ I may surprise myself and change the subject. It is better if you have noticed, and maybe you have been writing about the same events and contents without even noticing. I was confident that since I wrote the text myself, I worked pretty hard on that too and would at least remember what I wrote, but it seems that my memory has reached its limits by now.
 I may go full circle and start writing the same thing again without realizing it, but, well, that’s okay. No one is going to notice. It is more important to have the mind to continue writing. I want to continue to get to the truth of who I am, without fear of forgetting.

 If it’s too heavy every day, well, so be it!


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