Trust in Convenience
Perhaps I would be poisoned by the modern or digital society, but I take it for granted that everyone now uses a smartphone or PC in their daily lives. I feel annoyed when I see people like dinosaurs who are still adamant about having cell phones.
I know, 30 years ago I was one of those people who refused to have a cell phone, saying, “I’m not going to be tied down by a cell phone!” However, especially in my work, I could no longer ignore the convenience of digital devices any longer, and in fact, if I could not handle them properly, it directly led to a loss of profits for my company. They are still extremely convenient, and records can be stored in an orderly fashion. I can no longer imagine not using it.
When I call someone on my cell phone, even if they are not available at the time, if the number is registered, they can keep a record of the incoming call, and as for PC e-mail, if I make it a habit to check my e-mail, even if I cannot read it immediately after it is sent, I am sure to notice it when I have time to spare. In addition, various communication tools using SNS, ZOOM, etc. have been established nowadays, and it is difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving new technologies and information.
It is an etiquette to call back when you receive a phone call, and it is rude not to reply at least with an “I understand” when you send an e-mail. If there is no response, it makes me feel uneasy, as if there might be some trouble with the terminal or system. There is a term called “read-through,” which refers to the intentional non-response to a text message between friends. At the very least, I do not want to work with people who cannot abide by such an “unspoken agreement.
However, there are actually people who lack such a sense of etiquette. This is especially true of artistic people. Typical examples are painters, illustrators, musicians, and other artists. The number of people engaged in this type of work is small because it is not a job that anyone can do, such as number crunching. So these people are valuable, and in a sense, they may not have to think about etiquette, but I, who am a strict disciplinarian, cannot tolerate it. I usually find myself growing further and further away from them.
I am such a person, but I believe that there is no better connection than a live human-to-human exchange. I believe that the best relationship of trust is built through actual eye-to-eye conversations, in which one can feel the atmosphere of the other person. Today, with the convenience of digital technology, we can see this as an age of opportunity to deepen our connections. The combination of digital and analog will make this happen.
I believe that more and more convenient digital tools will become available in the future. I believe that even the elderly and children will be able to use them with ease, and that they will be as easy to use as possible, almost automatic. If we are to remember the beauty of human-to-human communication, and if we are to live our lives with this in mind, I believe that digital knowledge should be studied.
It is easy, so be careful.