不思議な力[Mysterious Power]

投稿者: | 2022-11-08







Mysterious Power

 Sometimes I feel the presence of an invisible force. Things that logic cannot fully explain the reason why they happened. It may be coincidence, or it may be that some force really was at work. Either way, it is a difficult event to pinpoint the cause. From trivial day-to-day events to major incidents that could decide the future, life seems to be full of strange things when you think about it.

 The fact that I exist in this world in this way is already considered miraculous. However, if I start from there, it would be a tremendous task, so today I would like to think about something closer to home.
 The thing that I have been wondering about most recently is this blog. As I think I have mentioned before, I never had the perseverance to continue doing something for such a long time. I still don’t have it as a feeling. I also don’t have the ability to write this amount of text. But now the evidence of my writing remains. This is a very strange phenomenon.

 It may sound a bit occult, but when I write a blog, I think that something is taking over me. I don’t know if it happens every day or not. I am a little upset by the fact that I am able to write, despite the fact that I have a strong, if slightly strange, confidence that there is no way I can do it on my own. I can only think that an invisible force is acting on me. I can say that I feel as if someone is “making” me write. It is not a bad feeling at all.
 Sometimes, when I reread something I wrote myself, it seems as if someone else wrote it. When that happens, I’m surprised and feel honestly, “Oh, so that’s how I felt? I am surprised and realize something like my honest true feelings. It is as if someone is responding to my attitude of trying hard to face my heart.

 I can’t for the life of me think that writing this way every day is simply because my “writing ability has improved. I can’t say it out loud, but maybe this is not actually a blog I am writing. I have a feeling of near certainty. The fact that I am able to continue to write that much is a mystery to me.
 I am a bad person who cannot keep doing what I set my mind to do. But even though I am such a bad person, I can somehow believe now that if I keep trying, someone or something may help me. As long as this invisible force supports me, I will be indebted to it. I also feel that once my role in this blog is fulfilled, the power will naturally leave me. Until that day comes, I’ll just keep trying.

 It’s not about ability, maybe.


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