Absolute Existence
To get to work, I gather up the snow that has fallen on and in front of my car and shovel it away. Struggling with the unaccustomed hard work of bending at the waist, they manage to clear a path for the car to get out of the way. In the freezing cold, we sweated as we continued to shovel away the snow. Before we knew it, we had been working for more than two hours. We had barely finished the job, but when we woke up the next day, it was a silver world outside the window. It was yesterday all over again.
I live in a snowy area, but we don’t get that much snow every year. Some winters I don’t even need a shovel. Perhaps it is because of global warming, but it seems that in recent years there has been much less snow than when I was a child. Still, once every few years we have a heavy snowfall, and I sometimes find myself in the aforementioned “snow shoveling hell.
No matter how much we shovel, the snow piles up after us, and we sometimes feel hopeless. However, we cannot continue our daily life just by letting it fall and sitting idly by. In other words, shoveling snow is an attempt to make our own way against the laws of nature.
Shoveling snow makes me feel helpless. No matter how strongly I wish, no matter how hard and diligently I work, I cannot control the white, cold substance that falls endlessly from the heavens. The only thing I can do is to take care of the natural phenomenon of “snow falling” once it has been completed. Humans cannot interfere with the workings of nature. No matter how much we may dislike it, we cannot stop the snow from falling.
Air flows from high pressure areas to low pressure areas and becomes “wind,” and glaciers warm up, melt, and flow out to sea. I believe that this is how the earth maintains its own balance. Whether or not I have trouble getting to work today because the snow is in my way, it is nothing compared to the natural phenomena on a global scale. In the grand scheme of nature, each of us is but a tiny speck. We are too small to go against nature. What a helpless existence we are.
I do not know if this winter will be severe or not. In any case, as usual, what we can do is limited to post-event response.
I am a fool who, if I am not careful, quickly becomes egotistical and overestimates myself. I get caught up in the delusion that I can do everything on my own. I hope we don’t have a terrible winter, with winds and snow so strong that they are repulsive, but it may be necessary at times to be exposed to the threat of Mother Nature, as if I were giving myself a good scolding. The awareness of an irresistible and absolute presence naturally gives us a chance to reflect on ourselves. There may be hope that begins with despair. Full-blown winter is just around the corner.
I hate the cold!