頭と心[Head and Heart]

投稿者: | 2022-12-08







Head and Heart

 This is important. I have to make sure I don’t forget it.” I can’t remember a lesson that I had just memorized, or I suddenly can’t remember a lesson that I had cherished until yesterday. It’s as if my mind is suddenly empty and I can’t remember anything, as if time has stopped. I am very good at forgetting, I think.
 For some reason, I am often very calm and focused at such times, but I remember only God. It is not a concrete memory of words from the Bible, etc., but only a vague thought of God that seems to be in my mind. I do not intend to call it “love for God. It is not something grandiose, just that I feel God’s presence. Vaguely, but surely, I feel it, and it makes me feel strangely comfortable.

 We have all had the experience of getting stuck, not knowing what to do. It is a bitter experience of being at a loss and not being able to see the way forward. If you have a place to turn to in such a situation, there will be a clear difference in the way you recover.
 In my case, even if I can’t think about anything and my mind goes blank, if I can be aware of God’s presence, as mentioned above, then that is the place where I can come back to. This is a feeling that has been gradually growing over the past few years and has not yet matured to a point where I can confidently talk about it to others, but I am certain that this feeling has made me feel “at ease. I think it is “easy” in a good sense, but not in the sense that I am able to be lazy. I feel that I am not thinking too hard anymore, or that I can give up on my stubbornness more easily.

 If I were to put this feeling into words a little more forcefully, I would say that I can feel that I don’t have to take it so hard and can leave it to God. This may sound irresponsible. It may sound like I am running away from my responsibility, but I don’t think that is the wrong way to look at it.
 It is obvious that even if I tried to take all the responsibility, I would not be able to. But I failed to recognize that fact and tried to do everything myself. I was convinced that I had to do it, and I thought I could do it. I feel as if I am being rescued little by little from such complacency.

 I can’t trust myself, and I can’t trust others with my life, even though I can lean on them. I am that kind of person. Even though I am such a solitary person, I still feel that I can entrust my life to God, though I cannot say that I am certain of this yet. I may be able to surrender responsibility, life, and everything else to God and hang on. I think it will take some more time. But little by little, I feel that a change for the better is taking place in my heart. I myself am looking forward to seeing how things will change in the future.

 There are times when I can’t remember anything, aren’t there?


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