拒絶反応の罠[Trap caused by Rejection]

投稿者: | 2023-01-18







Trap caused by Rejection

 I have a hard time honestly accepting opinions that differ from mine. If it is a social issue or a business matter, or if it is a matter that each person who speaks out can consider impartially from a neutral standpoint, I can still listen to them. In fact, the probability of finding a good solution will increase if more than one person is involved in the discussion.
 However, when the problem is limited to me personally, I tend to close my mind to it. I feel aversion and reject the idea that anyone can have an opinion about my problems. Because I don’t like that, even if I have a problem, I probably don’t talk about it with others very often. It is easy to predict that if I do, I will be met with objections, and in the end, I will feel bad about it.

 Maybe I am afraid of being disputed. If I find out that what they are saying is more correct and I am wrong, I will be hurt. It would be an admission of my own wrongness. The longer I have struggled with the issue on my own, the deeper the wound becomes. It is natural to want to avoid such a situation if at all possible.
 However, I feel that there is another hint for me to live my life in my own way in resisting such a situation. Can I admit defeat? Can I open my heart? And can I tolerate the intrusion of foreign substances (different opinions)? I don’t think I can change myself if I am afraid of being hurt.

 I have an acquaintance who never admits that he is wrong. He says, “I didn’t do anything wrong. It is the fault of society and others that things are not going well. He thinks that the cause of all the problems lies outside of himself. Well, I think it is admirable if he can say so boldly, “I am right. Whenever I come into contact with his way of thinking, I try not to be like him and use him as my role model.
 However, I don’t like to compare something, but perhaps he and I are not so different in terms of “rejecting others. I am sometimes disgusted by his opinions, so much so that I often find it impossible to understand him, to the point of rejection. When I realize that he and I are not so different after all, I feel ashamed of myself. I assume he is inferior whereas I am able to keep things in perspective and handle things calmly. In the true sense of the word, a person who can take things in stride is someone who does not discriminate against someone else as being inferior to him or herself. I am just a fake who is misunderstanding.

 I think we need to be wary of the attitude of assuming that one’s opinion is right and not giving in. The process of daring to question what we believe to be right is always required. By going through this process over and over again, the correctness will gradually increase. Tomorrow it may suddenly turn out to be a mistake. I keep in mind that it is important to always keep shaking and verifying without being afraid of the danger.
 Sometimes it is necessary to accept other people’s opinions in order to “shake things up. I am not afraid of the size of the wounds I may suffer.

 In fact, I should be grateful to him for making me aware of it.


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