心に潜む悪[Evil lurking in the heart]

投稿者: | 2023-01-27







Evil lurking in the heart

 I am not capable enough, and whatever I do does not last long, and I have many other shortcomings, but I am trying to live honestly in my own way. I am trying to live an honest life, not doing anything that would be a nuisance to others. I will not delve too deeply into the question of “what is honest and how to live a sincere life,” but rather, I would like you to interpret the expression as it is generally used today. In other words, I am trying to live a life of sincerity. I assume that there are many people in Japan who think in the same way.

 However, I wonder if there are too many people these days who profit by taking advantage of other people’s failures and weaknesses. Perhaps there are not many of them, but only a small number of people who are taking advantage of the functions of the information society. Perhaps I am just falling into the trap of being manipulated to think that slanderous and defamatory remarks are “public opinion.
 I want to see only the good in people. I want to live my life believing that all people are good. I believe that is my true feeling. But in reality, people, myself included, are not all good. It is human nature to be tempted, to be lazy, or to have discriminatory feelings, and I believe that “good people” are only one aspect of a person when reason is at work. Everyone has “evil” in their hearts.

 In other words, it may be a difficult challenge for me to try to live a serious life with “evil” in my heart, even if it is only a part of it. Trying to live my life ignoring the bad side and seeing only my good side would be a way of life, I think, to lie and deceive myself, or to try to distort and perceive my true nature. I, too, have enough potential to take advantage of someone’s weakness and do evil. If I do not acknowledge this and only pursue my good side, it seems only natural that I will gradually become suffocated.

 When I read or see something, I often have a bad impression of it. I think that having a bad impression is an important sensibility, and I would like to keep it pure. However, I think it would be a waste if I just keep feeling what I feel. I would like to cultivate an understanding of how I genuinely feel about a certain stimulus, and how I am the kind of person who feels this way now. If I can do that, I feel that I will be able to calmly deal with the gap between my desire to live a serious life and my true self, which tends to be lured in the wrong direction, as if I am dragging it down. The suffering between the ideal and the reality may be eased somewhat. The first step is to acknowledge the fact that there is a bad me.

 There is a fine line between good and bad.


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