小っちゃくないショック[Shock Not Small]

投稿者: | 2023-04-05







Shock Not Small

 When I have ventured to talk to someone about a very serious problem for me, He has been reasonably helpful at the time, but a few days later, he has completely forgotten about it. he doesn’t even remember the background of the problem, or the degree of involvement in the relationship, or anything else. In other words, the fact that I had consulted with the person has been erased from his memory. It is very disappointing and sad.

 It means that even if a case is very important to me, even people I trust may not consider it as important. Even though I believed that I could seriously consult with this person, it seems that my trust was a one-way street.

 Maybe the person is mistaken or forgetful about something. I hope so. But I am afraid to confirm it, considering the possibility that he might have really forgotten me. Maybe I will never check again. I will try to forget this little sadness as soon as possible. I think it is the best way to minimize the damage. But my trust in this person has been shaken, and I can’t immediately answer whether or not I will be able to repair the damage. I am very sorry.

 What is important to me may not be important to everyone. I know that. However, when I am really in trouble, I am in a dangerous state where my mind is unstable and I am vulnerable to being hurt by the slightest thing. That is probably why I want to rely on someone, but this time, as a result of relying on someone, I fell one step deeper into a depression.
 But that doesn’t mean I should stop believing in people. I will live among people. That’s the only way I can live for now. But this time, I was talking about my shock a little too much.

 Well, it happens, doesn’t it?


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