
投稿者: | 2023-04-14








 I wondered when I felt most like myself. I wondered what kind of state I was in. I have my ideals. I aspire to be relaxed and dignified, unperturbed by the smallest thing. Often the reality seems to be just the opposite of the ideal. I am usually restless and timid. Maybe everyone has a tendency to want what they don’t have, to some extent.

 Now, I would like to return to the question of what is my ideal state. Even I sometimes maintain a calm and stable state of mind that is close to the ideal. However, such a state is definitely not my typical state. I think it is much closer to my true self to be in a state that is so far from the ideal that I am in a daze.

 I am trying to do something, but I lack the courage to take action, and I am dithering around, looking for excuses why I can’t do it. That is the most me-like me.
 What a pity! I didn’t realize that such a pathetic state of affairs was, of all things, the most like me. But I guess it is. I am the most symbolic of me.

 But strangely enough, when I think of that, I feel a sense of freedom, as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I guess I still hadn’t given up on myself, still thought of myself as if I were something special.
 It’s true that I’m a bum and a disappointment, but I’m trying so hard to change in my own way that I end up like that when I hit a wall. There is a part of me that is very loving. I am not special, but God loves me enough. I also think that I should imitate God and love me more. I may not be able to change forever.

 Oh, I’m so depressed!


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