世界のリーダー[World Leaders]

投稿者: | 2023-05-18







World Leaders

 I believe that we should live our lives with sensitivity. I should feel the pain and sorrow of others and be close to them, or deepen my consideration of events in the world around me and make them my own experiences. By doing so, my own experiences seem to deepen. And I believe that this will lead me to gather more hints to get closer to my true self. I would like to live that way, rather than “should” live.

 In my case, I am not a very sensitive person, so I may think “keep it sensitive” or something like that. If I had a personality that subconsciously paid too much attention to my surroundings or was too sensitive to changes in other people’s feelings, I would not think of myself that way. Such a person would be, to put it nicely, a “kind person,” or, to put it worse, a “person who cannot speak his mind.
 If it is a “personality trait,” there is no problem because it is just a trait of the person, but if it becomes an excessive symptom of a disease level, it may be difficult to live in general society. HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) is a group of people who are troubled by their sensitivity.

 Even among people who appear to be perfectly normal on the outside, they may feel guilty about being “unusual” or “out of the ordinary” because of their overly sensitive senses, There are people who cannot find a place in “normal society” because their senses are too sensitive. In other words, “normal” people despise and exclude such weak people. Is it right to exclude those who are working hard just because they do not look like they are working hard? Is there no room for taking a step closer, listening to the situation, and discussing it with them?
 This is the reality of the society we live in. It is a completely hypocritical society that only uses such rhetoric as “tolerance of diversity” and “respect for minority views. From the point of view of the weak, the era of the weak and the strong clearly continues in this world, and what kind of a developed country is such a poor-minded Japan?

 There are people who want to be normal, but cannot be. However, that normalcy is only for someone else and not for them. I believe that we should aim for a peaceful society where we can live together while recognizing each other’s normality and common sense and helping each other.
 We are all aware that it is difficult to help each other in a competitive society where profit is the most important issue. However, if we do not open up to this challenge, true peace will never come. It is absolutely wrong to say that there is no place for those who are too kind to live. I would like to start by being close to the weak.

 Everyone is a minority in some part.


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