頑張ってますよ~[I’m trying to keep up!]

投稿者: | 2023-06-05







I’m trying to keep up!

 This blog, I’m so munchy every single day wondering if I can keep it up. Some days, like today, I can’t concentrate at all. I don’t know the reason, but anyway, I think to myself, “I’m going to stop today,” etc., and I hopelessly can’t come up with any themes. How many times have I thought to myself, “Today is the day I’m going to lose it”? This feeling of being cornered is quite painful.
 But it is precisely at times like this that I take advantage of the “I can’t write” situation and turn it into a theme, as I am writing about now. I have used this technique several times, so it may be the same again sometime, but I don’t remember when the last time was at all, which means no one remembers, so I will write about it without worrying. Besides, time has definitely passed since the last time, so I am high confident that it will not be exactly the same.

 I have a strong desire to be mentally and physically “stable” in my daily life, not just in terms of blogging. I want to avoid catching colds and other illnesses, as well as have as few ups and downs in my mind as possible, and always maintain a sense of calmness. If I am stable, I can distance myself from anger, hatred, sadness, and other feelings that I don’t want to have, and I can naturally concentrate on writing my blog more easily.
 But perhaps real life is not something that you can easily maintain stability in. It is not something that we can control. If life were that smooth to begin with, I wouldn’t be able to find different themes every day. I would have run out of material long ago and given up on blogging itself. In life, there is a complex interplay of people, minds, things, events, times, and many other factors that, well, I guess that’s why my blog is still going on.

 From a situation where I was totally stuck, I found myself writing this much today. To be honest, really honest, I am truly amazed at this, “the fact that I am able to write. The fact that this has been going on for two and a half years is not an exaggeration; it is a miracle for me.
 I am a really lazy person, and I never continue to do anything, and on top of that, I hate studying, and I never really studied since my school days. I have had no training in writing, and it is nothing short of a wonder that I am able to write so much. I am not exaggerating, but my feeling is that I am not writing this blog, but that someone is making me write it. Otherwise, I cannot explain this miracle.

 I really feel this “feeling of being made to write. As long as I have this feeling, I feel that I must not stop this blog. I even feel a sense of mission. However, it is hard every day to get to this “stage where someone else starts writing”. In other words, it’s a battle with myself until I find a theme.
 In the world of paradoxes created by the reality that I can’t write without stability and the fact that I can’t find a theme only with stability, I will try to go a little further, even though it is painful.

 It may be exactly the same as last time: ……

頑張ってますよ~[I’m trying to keep up!]」への3件のフィードバック

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