みんな同じで、一人一人違う[We are all the same, and each one of us is different.]

投稿者: | 2023-10-13







We are all the same, and each one of us is different.

 Why would he/she say such a horrible thing?” and sometimes I do not understand the reason for the statement. The same is true of our actions, and the various activities of human beings unfold in ways that are beyond my comprehension. When I think about what actually happens in front of my eyes, as well as what I see on the TV news and in various news reports, I am interested in the “Why? I always try to think about the motive behind the person’s actions.
 I try my best to think about it, and even if I have a general idea, I can never fully grasp it. It is only a “guess” as far as I can think of. I think it is important to try to understand a person’s feelings, but it is dangerous to overestimate one’s own expectations. If you are trying to be close to the person, you should keep in mind that “you can never fully understand” and move on.

 I wonder if what I have heard and heard on TV and in the press would allow me to calmly analyze and reconsider their inexplicable words and actions. However, if it actually happened in front of me, or if I were a party to it, I would not be able to do so. I would find that I can’t help but be upset, if I were to be bombarded with incomprehensible words or actions that made me think, “Why did that person say such a terrible thing? I am the type of person who would have a very hard time maintaining my composure in such an event. I might be angry, I might be frustrated, and in any case, it would be difficult for me to act in a so-called “mature manner” in such a situation.

 I am not capable of reacting calmly and reflexively when such a thing happens on the spur of the moment. I am even less able to understand the motive. However, after a certain amount of time, I have come to be able to change the way I perceive the other person. That is, “That person is God’s creation just like me. I have come to be able to think of him as a human being who is just as bad as I am.
 It is contradictory to ask a human being, an imperfect creature, to behave perfectly. I had applied my “code of perfection” to others without knowing it, and those who could not follow it, I cut them off on my own. I think this is an extremely unreasonable thing to do. How bad would I feel if someone did that to me? I would discard those who did not act according to my wishes. Isn’t that just like some dictator? That is what I am doing.

 I am doing such a terrible thing without thinking about it. It is horrible. I think the key for me to live my life as I am is to see all human beings as stupid as I am.
 If someone does something wonderful, praise them to the fullest. If it is something positive, I want to rejoice with them. The problem, after all, is when someone else does something “crazy” that is beyond my understanding. Of course, it depends on what they did and to what extent they did it, but I want to be able to forgive them, saying, “Ah, an imperfect person did something imperfect again. If I can get into the habit of thinking and perceiving others in this way, I feel that my sense of discrimination will fade away. I want to be a person who can forgive myself and others.

 It’s not easy to understand, it’s natural.


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