平和、平和、平和[Peace, Peace, Peace]

投稿者: | 2023-10-24







Peace, Peace, Peace

 What I cannot understand is why they are willing to invest huge amounts of taxpayers’ money in strengthening the military. Why are they building more and more military facilities in Okinawa? It may be to protect the country from the threats of China, Russia, and North Korea, but isn’t there a defensive measure that can be taken only by Japan, a country that suffered the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
 It is not a way of confronting violence with violence. It is a discussion. To me, it seems that the U.S. is telling Japan to strengthen its military, and Japan is following suit. While the government takes its time to deliberate on the budget for measures such as measures for the declining birthrate, wage increases, and prices, I get the impression that the Prime Minister’s Office quickly and quietly decides on the increase in defense spending without anyone noticing. Is such a thing acceptable? This is about the use of taxpayers’ money.

 If defense spending is to be increased so much, the House of Representatives should be dissolved and the will of the people questioned. I think it should be discussed openly as an election issue. If we, the Japanese people, don’t stand up and say that something is wrong, the world will know that we are a country that cannot stand on our own feet.
 Japan, which is in debt due to the Corona disaster and high prices, spends money on military equipment. Is the U.S. that important? Is it because of its weakness that it is protected by military power? On the contrary, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to cut military spending and put more money into the economy? In his policy speech at yesterday’s Diet session, the prime minister is said to have repeatedly called for “the economy, the economy, the economy. If he is so concerned about the economy, he should start spending on defense, which endangers peace. That seems to me to be the simplest and most effective way. Why don’t they do it?

 I think there is a fear that Japan might be invaded like Ukraine. Those in power are obsessed with the idea that if they do not deploy missiles with counterattack capability, they will not be able to defend their country against foreign enemies when the time comes. I don’t know if this is true or not, but that is what I see the Prime Minister’s Office doing. I don’t understand the mindset of these politicians, and it really angers me. It is amazing that the prime minister is, you know, a native of the A-bombed city of Hiroshima.

 When those in power stay in their positions for too long, they become corrupt. It is time for a change of government. Even if there is a change, whoever becomes prime minister may still be at the mercy of the US. ……
 I wonder if someone will emerge who will not try to boost his/her approval rating by pleasing the people, or just wagging his/her tail and following behind the US. Someone who is prepared to speak the truth, despite the backlash that will undoubtedly come from the public. Someone who will put their own interests on the back burner and work with dedication. And someone who seeks peace. I hope such a superhero will emerge in Japan.

 I don’t want to talk about politics, but it made me so angry.


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