心の貧しい人[Poor Man in Spirit]

投稿者: | 2023-12-04







Poor Man in Spirit

 I believe that there are as many interpretations of the Bible as there are readers, and I basically believe that there is no wrong way to read the Bible. If you are sincere about it, the Bible will always respond. However, I have been saved and awakened many times when I have come into contact with a way of interpreting the Bible that has fallen into my heart. Although it is difficult to grasp the meaning of the book after reading it once by myself, it is an important book for me because it is filled with hints for living my life as I do.
 In the book, there is a passage that says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). This expression “poor” did not ring a bell with me at first. In the way I was taught to interpret the passage, I seem to recall that the word “poor” was replaced by “weak. It means, “Happy are those with weak hearts.” Still, I could not grasp the meaning.

 Isn’t it good to strengthen our hearts and help others who are weak? Shouldn’t we train our own hearts to be strong enough to do that, to not give in to anything? I used to think that to be frugal and strong, or to continue to be someone that others could rely on, was to “become respectable. However, the Bible seemed to me to say that it is better to be weak-minded. That it is good not to be admirable. It is an understanding that is the opposite of what I thought.
 When I was taught to read it that way, I felt as if I was being ordered to become the opposite of the kind of person I had long aspired to be, and I was disappointed and almost moved to tears. I remember feeling relieved, as if I had been released from a burden. I was comforted and relieved that it was okay to remain weak.

 Weak-minded people, people who are a nuisance to everyone. They are a nuisance in the normal sense of the word. It is natural to want to use one’s own time for oneself. However, thanks to these “weak” people who are a nuisance to others, people join forces and unite their hearts to help them. We can be united and experience the joy of living. I think this is one reason why “weak” people are happy. They have the power to make others happy.
 But what we must not forget here is why people come together to help the weak-minded. Why do they go out of their way to help others with their time and effort? I think there is something called good intentions. People with good hearts have a desire to help others. But that is not the only reason. Somewhere in our hearts, we are aware that we are also weak. Those who are united in helping the weak are also those who have grown up causing a lot of trouble to those around them. They have lived their lives under the watchful eye of God. That is why they are able to reach out to us.

 In other words, I believe that all human beings are poor in spirit. We all have weak hearts. Whether or not we are aware of this fact makes a difference in our happiness. Therefore, I interpret this scripture as “those who are aware of their poor hearts are happy. There is a possibility that this interpretation is wrong, and it may change in the future. However, as I mentioned above, I think it is okay for readers to have their own way of interpreting the Bible.
 Reading the Bible seriously is not an easy task. However, I believe that there is a battle with oneself when one dares to challenge the difficulty, and that there is joy in the end. I am also looking for new discoveries and realizations.

 You don’t have to be strong.


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