奇妙なハンディキャップ[Strange Handicap]

投稿者: | 2023-12-03







Strange Handicap

 No matter how much you respect or even like a person, your impression of him or her will change when you start having a close relationship with them. It would be nice if things were changing for the better, but in most cases, we find some shortcomings. If your initial expectations are high and you think, “This is a great person! The greater the initial expectation, the greater the subsequent disappointment. Therefore, if you want to like a person for a long time, it is probably better not to have a very deep relationship with him or her. There is no one in this world who is free of flaws and quirks. It is inevitable that they will show up in a close relationship.
 The better the impression you have of someone when you first meet them, the more likely you are to be disappointed. The way we meet people is only a matter of chance, so it is not something we can manipulate, but perhaps it means that those who make a good first impression are handicapped.

 When I think about it like that, I don’t think it is a good thing to expect too much of people. Expecting too much of others and then being disappointed is not good for them. Expecting too much means that I dream that the person will realize my ideal. I fantasize that being with that person will fill my heart with contentment and make me feel fulfilled and happy. Such thoughts may come to mind because I am still dependent on the other person.
 However, for example, when we work together, when we ask for advice or request a specific project, we leave it to them with a certain level of expectation. I can entrust them with my work because my history of involvement with that person has engendered trust. Expectations backed by this experience are different in nature from expectations based on the impression we had when we first met.

 Since I cannot do everything on my own, there will always be situations in the future where I will entrust someone with my expectations. At such times, it is a blessing to have people around you whom you can count on. What I am trying to say is that it is dangerous to expect “too much,” but it is nonsense to prohibit expectations, and I think it is an important emotion.
 I want to be involved with people regardless of whether my first impression is good or bad. There will be times when we gradually get to know each other, and there will be times when the opposite is true. There may even be the worst encounters that start out as arguments from the beginning. I hope that we can overcome such differences of opinion and build a solid relationship. We all have our faults.

 We don’t need to be in the other person’s good graces and not express our own opinions, nor do we need to play tricks to make ourselves look like a “good person. I just expose myself as I am and talk with them. Perhaps I have a premonition that I can build a relationship with someone who makes a good first impression, and I have high expectations for such a relationship.
 If the impression is good, it is possible that my antennae have caught something in that person. Even if I am disappointed, I will persistently try to continue the interaction. With just a little bit of expectations.

 I guess I don’t expect much more from looks anymore~.


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