Goodbye to Myself.

投稿者: | 2023-12-18







Goodbye to Myself.

 What does it mean to “believe”? I had never thought about such a thing before. Isn’t “believing” just believing as it is? When I told my former teacher that I was thinking of getting baptized, he asked me that question. He taught me that when I try to believe in God, my “belief” is not real as long as “I” come out, as in “on my own strength” or “because I think so.

 Faith in the Christian sense, according to my mentor, is not something that can be obtained by hard work. For example, it is not something that can be obtained by spending years of ascetic practice deep in the mountains of India. Faith is something that comes from heaven. I don’t have a real understanding of what it means to “receive it from heaven,” but my impression is that it can be expressed with qualifiers such as “naturally” or “unconsciously. In other words, I think that faith is not something that everyone can be given, but something that seems to be acquired sometime when it is given.
 I am also troubled by the difference between the words “believe” and “faith. For me, “faith” is a word that refers to a state of mind that goes beyond believing in God. I am not sure if this is the correct interpretation or feeling. I am not sure, but I certainly feel that I can say, “I believe,” but I cannot say, “I have faith.

 Now, back to the question about “believing. To “believe” means to “entrust” or “leave to others. It means to trust the person and leave it to him or her. Or perhaps it could be paraphrased as “giving up on doing things by yourself. Giving up and entrusting it to someone else. Am I wrong? In my case, I think it would be entrusting it to God.
 If I am correct, believing in something means “not trying so hard,” or, in direct contrast to what I have been trying to do on my own, it means “relaxing. An act of relaxing and letting things flow. I think this is what it means to “believe.

 I have tried my best in my own way in my life. I have not been able to produce results in my examinations, my work, or anything else I have done, but I have tried my best from time to time. Even when I couldn’t do my best, I blamed myself, wondering why I couldn’t do my best. I have struggled in various places, wandering around in order to carve out my own destiny by my own strength. Who can blame me for “believing” in my own strength and working hard? I cannot.
 I do not think that my way of life was a mistake. I am happy with my life, and I did what I had to do. And now I am saying goodbye to myself. Trying to believe in God and Jesus, to become a Christian, seems like giving up believing in myself. I don’t think I can do something like giving up on myself completely, but to say that I will relax and aim in that direction. This is my “believing” at this point.

 I’m finally getting to this point~!


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