The First Christmas

投稿者: | 2023-12-19







The First Christmas

 Christmas is a Christian event that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, but I think I had neglected the fact that Jesus was born into the world until now. I had not realized the importance of this event. I had always said that I believed in God, but I was a stranger to the world. Now that I am about to be baptized, I am a little surprised at how thoughtless I had been. I feel terrible now that I am not aware of it.
 Christmas is a big deal. It is not a time for drinking and partying with friends. I know it’s too late for me, but my heart is beating faster as Christmas approaches. If I had to bite the bullet and tell you, it’s like “Jesus is coming,” even though my heart is not ready for it yet. I wonder if it’s okay to greet Jesus in such a state of sobriety. It’s not good.

 It’s hard to describe, but it’s like right before you meet the superhero you’ve longed to meet for the first time. I am nervous and excited. Once you meet him, there is no turning back. The person who maybe only existed in my imagination will actually appear in front of me. He is the one who sees through everything I am. He is the One who knows everything.
 Will I be able to stand up properly in front of Jesus without being rude? Will I be able to have a good conversation with him? I know that He is merciful, but I still feel nervous and tense. It is in times like these that I need to trust Jesus and surrender to Him.

 Of course, Jesus will not actually appear in front of us. Just because it’s Christmas doesn’t mean that Jesus will descend from the heavens on a cloud. But how can I explain this thrilled feeling of mine? Is it an illusion of misunderstanding or over-assumption? No, this feeling of anticipation seems genuine.
 There is no way that I am precognitive, and I have never seen something that others cannot see. But whether I can see it or not, I believe that Jesus will come down this Christmas. I can’t help but have that feeling.

 No, but I really feel like my life is moving a bit. Maybe I am really starting to change. I have never had such a strong impression of Christmas looming over me. Nothing is certain, but I can actually feel a new change in my heart, if you can call it an invisible proof. I can only hope that this is a good change.
 Anyway, Christmas is coming. What will my first Christmas as a Christian be like? I will probably be so moved that I will cry, although I will be careful not to collapse my tear gland, which is loose. I don’t want to look like a mess, but I don’t know what will happen. Fortunately, I heard that water will be poured over my head. I’ll use the water to cover up the tears. ……

 The party isn’t so bad, though…


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