信じるからこそ[Because I believe in God.]

投稿者: | 2023-12-20







Because I believe in God.

 I will stop relying on my own strength. Doing so is a big part of my faith in God. But perhaps I will never be able to stop completely. No matter how hard I try to let go of myself, my self-centeredness keeps coming back. The struggle in life, as I often say, is the struggle against this strong sense of self.

 When you hear the word “fight,” I think many people think of what we call “battles,” in which people attack each other physically or mentally. The general perception of “fight” is a process of trying to overwhelm the opponent or target by using one’s “power” such as physical and mental strength.
 However, my fight here depends on how relaxed I can be. I often use the word “fight” because I cannot find a better word for it, but I believe that I can come closer to achieving my goal by not attacking with force but, on the contrary, by relaxing. Instead of trying to defeat the enemy, which is myself, I would seek a way to live with my selfishness by trusting in God.

 It took me a long time to come to that conclusion. I remember that when I was learning aikido 30 years ago, I was instructed to “relax” my body every day because I had too much strength in my body. Perhaps I was born with a tendency to exert myself. I tend to try to overcome my predicament by my own strength. Instead, I think he was telling me to remember to smile instead of furrowing my brow. It is a guidance to relax and let the flow take care of itself.
 Simply saying, “relax” does not mean that you can mechanically relax. Although I have not been able to completely relax, I think the reason I have been able to aim for that is because I have come to believe in God. I have realized that what I truly want to believe in is not my power, but God. I am most required to believe in God and surrender to Him. It is because I believe in God that I can relax. Thinking this way, I can easily understand why I could not relax before.

 I am now able to turn my mind in the direction it needs to go. I want to firmly support and entrust my mind, which easily turns down when I am not careful, toward the heavens where God is. If we can keep praying, we will be able to do it. Until now, I have done everything by force. I have tried to turn my mind toward any direction by force. That does not stabilize the mind. There is a limit to force.
 The struggle will continue from now on. The bottom line is that the greatest enemy, the “self,” is so powerful that it has single-handedly supported me for 56 years, so I can understand its strength. But God has been with me all these 56 years, even when I thought I had been living on my own. I just didn’t try to listen to His voice. I didn’t try to realize that God was there. Now that I have realized this, I feel that I have a different view of the world. It’s okay, if I pray to live faithfully one day at a time, God will surely give me grace. I will believe in that and surrender to Him.

 It’s in hard times that I turn to God.


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