主役の日[Day of the Leading Role]

投稿者: | 2023-12-24





 Merry Christmas !!


Day of the Leading Role

 I’m a little tired. That’s how I honestly feel now that I have been baptized and have officially become a Christian. When the holy water was poured on my head, my heart really moved and I had to hold back what was coming up. I had to make a confession of faith in front of the attendees right after that, so I had to come to my senses and get myself together. However, I couldn’t change my mind immediately, and there were moments when I felt as if I had lost track of what I was doing and was in a daze.
 I was blessed by so many people and received so many gifts that I lost track of which ones I had received and from whom. It was a day when I had everyone’s attention to such an extent that I will probably never have anything like this again in my lifetime. I was the star of the show for this day.

 I would like to say “good” that everyone said they were moved by my confession of faith, which explains how I came to be baptized. It was worth all the hard work and thought that went into it. I did not write this story to impress my listeners, and of course I wrote only the truth. I had a little trouble figuring out how to structure my speech, but I managed to get it done in time. I am really relieved that it is all over.
 I finally became a Christian and was able to stand on the starting line. 56 years old, I finally made it, but I needed this much time. I think there is a “time” for everyone, and there is no such thing as late or early.

 Now that I am just about to finish a day in which I have yet to play a leading role, I may not yet feel that I have become a Christian. I think it is only now that I will realize the gravity of the situation.
 What will be questioned is how I live my life from now on. Until now, I have had the escape route of “because I have not been baptized yet. As a Christian, I don’t need to carry excessive pressure, but I don’t want to step on a treadmill. I want to walk the path of believing in God and Jesus with all my heart.

 I would like to start off with a cheerful “Well, it’s just the beginning! but tomorrow I want to take a good rest and get ready for the next one. That is how much I have put into this day. Normally, after a big event like this, I tend to lose my goals and fall into burnout syndrome, but this time was completely different. I am full of motivation to move forward. When I look at my state of mind calmly, I have a strong sense that I have finally arrived at the place I have come to. I am happy with the path I have taken.
 Thanks to the support of so many people, I have come this far. I want to thank them honestly. In order to repay this debt of gratitude, I want to lead a life dedicated to God. I think this is a life in which my heart will continue to waver. I want to live my life believing in God, even though I am aware of my unbelief. But for now, I’m going to take a little rest.

 Merry Christmas !!!


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