心の引き出し[Drawer of The Mind]

投稿者: | 2024-01-20







Drawer of The Mind

 I have written before that blogging helps me to organize my mind. By writing down what I was vaguely feeling, I can rethink things a little more calmly, and it becomes easier to delve deeper into my thoughts. Or I can make new discoveries, such as, “Am I the kind of person who thinks like this? And the best part is that I feel like I have a larger pool of ideas to draw from.
 After writing every day for more than three years, I often find myself saying, “I’ve written about this before. Even if the themes are the same, I don’t mind because I am writing frankly about what I feel today, and I don’t set any restrictions on that. However, if the same theme were to be banned, the continuous record would probably be broken. I have not increased the number of drawers so explosively.

 However, the fact that the same theme comes to mind over and over again is because it is a theme that I care about so much. I must have been thinking about it unconsciously somewhere for a long time. There is no drastic change in my conclusion, and I always end up in the same place. But by thinking about it over and over again, and arriving at the same conclusion over and over again, I think that one way of thinking becomes solid. Therefore, I am willing to write about it without fear of “covering” it, even if people may think, “Oh, this is the same story again.

 Let me go back to the beginning. I feel that I have more “drawers” in my mind because I am able to explain my opinions without hesitation when I am talking with others. And in most situations where I think about matters of the heart, I no longer have a case where I don’t have an opinion.
 Usually, I don’t remember what kind of themes I have written about in the past. It is hidden away in a “drawer. However, when I am asked for my opinion in a conversation or when I listen to someone’s problems, my own words naturally start to come out of my mouth. I am now able to open the appropriate drawer. I think this is undoubtedly an effect of my continuing this blog, and evidence that my thoughts are becoming more organized.

 It is not that I am relieved that I have more drawers. The contents always require shaking and verification. If I am convinced that I have found an answer, it would be tantamount to trying to become a god. It is only my opinion as a human being. I am aware of the need to shake up the contents of my drawers, and I suppose that is why it is a recurring theme on my blog. It seems that I am regularly examining my opinions, even if I am not aware of it.
 For this reason, I think it is important not only to blog, but also to talk with others. Writing in one’s own world will result in a self-satisfied opinion that lacks relativity. I have to face myself, listen carefully to God’s voice, and write. But that’s not enough. I want to find a balance and increase my conversations with others, and in doing so, grow. Being too precious won’t get me anywhere. I will try to be open-minded.

 I don’t want our themes to overlap if I can help it~.


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