何でもできる私[Mr. Everything]

投稿者: | 2024-01-22







Mr. Everything

 I am relatively good at many things. Thanks to my work in video production and website design, I am good at image processing and other computer-based tasks. I can write scenarios for videos. I take snapshots. I can also design flyers. He is also a good communicator, and can hold meetings with clients and negotiate with them in an orderly fashion. Well, since he is running his own business by himself, he needs to be able to do everything. It is a matter of course.
 However, all of these things that he can do are only “possible. It doesn’t mean that I can make something outstandingly great. I have never made anything like it. I have always wanted to excel in one field or another.

 For example, when it came to video editing, I had to learn how to do it through trial and error, while learning from my seniors. He was in a cold sweat, wondering if he would be able to handle the number of pieces, and managed to gain recognition from local TV stations and clients.
 Once I got to that point, it would seem like I should just get on with it and keep adding to my work, but in my case, I am content with the recognition. I guess you could say that I get bored easily. It would be better if I worked harder to improve my skills, or tried different types of work. But I would lose my motivation and start to wander around again in search of something else. I think it is the repetition of such things that has made me “capable of many things.

 When I am trying to learn a job, I work like a madman. I struggle hard without sleeping at night. However, when I really get to a “certain” level, my enthusiasm “cools off. I believe this is because the work was not a “mission” given to me alone by God. I have done various things that interest me, but perhaps none of them were the mission. I didn’t find what I was willing to put my life on the line for.
 Or perhaps I was just too selfish and self-centered to realize it, and I had already encountered something important. Did I pass it by with only a half-hearted response? There is no way to know for sure now, but it is possible that I may have overlooked it.

 So, is there anything that I am doing now that I can open up and consider a “mission”? Volunteer work? This blog? I don’t know…can I really call it a mission? I don’t know, but I am sure that I am doing it desperately.
 I am looking forward to meeting my own personal mission someday. What has passed can no longer be helped, so from now on I must stay awake so that I will be aware of the revelation when it comes. I want to surrender my body and mind to God and wait. Somehow, I feel that it is only from now on that I will be shown what to do.

 I want to excel in one thing or another.


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