God’s Guidance
I want to try something. I would like to try it by all means. However, up until now, when I have acted according to my own will, all I have done is fail. Remembering this, I am hesitant. If possible, I do not want to fail in this matter. If I don’t try, there is no way to know the outcome, and if I don’t try, time will just keep passing me by. I want to do something, but I am afraid of failure.
What I do in such a situation is to listen to my heart. I try to find out if this desire to “try” comes from my own desire or if it is a command from God. In other words, I am trying to find out if this desire of mine is genuine or not.
When I was baptized at the end of last year, it was as if someone had taken over my mind, body, and environment, and many things naturally led me toward baptism. I was the one who wanted to become a Christian, but it had already been decided, and I remember that I just went with the flow. I felt as if I had become a Christian before I realized it.
I feel something similar this time. But now I am disturbed that I could become a Christian, and I may have believed so. In other words, there is a danger that what is arising from my ambition is being seen as a mission from God. I cannot deny that possibility, and I am in such a state that I am listening carefully so as not to be seduced by the devil. I ask myself, do I really want to try that?
I know it is not good to think too much. If I think too much, I am stuck, and I stop myself from moving, then I am going against my destiny. And if I am too afraid of failure to do anything, I may be ignoring the gifts that God has prepared just for me. I want to avoid that somehow. There is a time for everything, and I want to be prepared to recognize and move quickly when an important moment arrives.
However, the path of my destiny may be predestined to include such trial and error. It is characteristic of me to shy away from something because I am afraid of failure, and it is also typical of me to take the plunge and have it bounced back spectacularly. Whatever the outcome, everything may be God’s plan. God already knows what I will do.
So what should I do? I can’t probably find the right answer. The only thing I can do is to wait for the time to be fulfilled. Whether I try or give up, the time will come. I believe that God will guide me. All I can do is wait for that time to come while living a life of sincerity.
To be honest, however, if I were to give up because I realized that my feelings were motivated by desire and ambition, I would still be satisfied, but if I did not try because I was afraid of worrying, I would definitely have regrets. If I follow that feeling to the letter, I have no choice but to try. …… I can’t wait to see what choice I make.
It’s not like I’m going to fail at the baptismal ceremony~!