
投稿者: | 2024-03-14








 To what extent should I abandon my obsession? I have a tendency to be old-fashioned and to value things like old traditions and discipline. I have followed them as such, without thinking of their particular meaning. I thought that those who could not follow them were “evil.
 On the other hand, there was a part of me that wanted to break the mold. I smoked cigarettes, skipped school, etc. When I was young, I think I was in chaos, unable to balance my mind and actions. I don’t remember much anymore, but looking back, I think I was full of contradictions within myself and on top of that, I was suffering from the gap between the social barriers and my ideals.

 Social discipline and my “obsession” are two different things. My obsession is even more stringent. I am bound by my own code of “this is the way it must be. I often find the biblical scribe in myself.
 Now that I am a Christian, I try to live the faith of the gospel. Jesus, the Son of God, was born into the world and died to pay for our sins. Just by believing this, we can be free. For example, just as Jesus healed the man whose hand atrophied on the Sabbath, we are not to give priority to the law that says we must not work on the Sabbath, but to do what we truly need to do. It is enough to see the law as a guideline for living.

 When I think of it in this way, the “obsession” that my ideals create seems puny. How much value is there in my obsession as a new Christian when even the Law does not require too much obsession? It may be nothing.
 But if I abandon everything, then my identity may disappear and be lost. Frankly, I feel sad about that, too. I think I need to be me, not anyone else. I feel that my obsession supports my being me. Am I mistaken?
 However, I have a bad habit of using my obsession for my own convenience, rubbing it in as an excuse for not doing what I should be doing, or abusing it to make myself look like an authority figure. It is hard for me to realize that it is just a transparent little trick. In those areas, I want to make every effort to cut down on my obsession.

 Back to the beginning. To what extent should I discard my obsessions? Hmmm, I don’t know. It doesn’t seem to be all of them. I can’t find the boundary of “up to this point. At least, it would not be good to be more particular than necessary about my obsession.
 I think I should try not to think too much about it. Perhaps it is better to just go with the flow. If my obsession gets the better of me in the midst of something, I will try to ignore it. In any case, I would like to reevaluate my “obsessive” habit. I don’t feel like I can make the necessary growth if I stay within the boundaries I have created for myself. Even within the same particularity, I would carefully examine what should be discarded and what should be preserved, and I would pursue my own personality.

 Do I not need all of them? I don’t know.


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