
投稿者: | 2024-12-30








 I have been told myself that “you don’t have to try so hard” and I have also been advised that it is not good to give advice to others to “try harder”. I think the real meaning is that “if you trust in God and leave everything to him, he will guide you to the right path, regardless of whether you try hard or not”. Or, it could be taken as advice to people who are trying too hard, to “not overdo it”.
 That may be true, but when you take this advice at face value, there are many situations in real life where you have to work hard to a certain extent. In my opinion, this is because these people have worked hard to improve themselves, and working hard has become second nature to them. In other words, from my perspective, I think that these trained people are not even aware that they are working hard. They live in a completely different dimension to me, and I think they are amazing people.

 For example, in order to study by reading the Bible or books, or to acquire necessary skills, you need to work hard to a certain extent. When you try to improve yourself by taking on a challenge, hard work is always essential. Even though I think that God is the one writing this blog, which is now my emotional support, in reality, my own hard work is essential. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to write every day.
 However, if I can honestly digest the words “you don’t have to try hard”, I think it would be in the context of “when you don’t want to try hard and it feels painful”. In other words, when I hear the words “you don’t have to do things you don’t like”, I feel a sense of relief.

 When I am forced to do something I don’t want to do, I feel a strong sense of resistance. However, when you are out in the world, there are many times when you have to do things you don’t want to do. You have to put up with things you don’t like. I think everyone understands that there are times when you have to work hard. When the pressure of being forced to do something you don’t want to do exceeds a person’s limits, I think it can lead to mental disorders. I think there are many people now who can’t stand being in that kind of situation. If you say “Hang in there!” to people who are suffering, without thinking, can have a very negative effect. I think it’s something you shouldn’t say.
 However, I don’t think it’s good if people are so bound by this taboo that they can’t have a free conversation. There is a risk that you will miss the chance to help someone. I try to use the phrase “Hang in there!” effectively when necessary, while also watching the situation. I think it’s a very effective phrase for honestly communicating that I am there to support them.

 I think that life is full of suffering. Good things can’t just keep happening. So in order to overcome suffering and live on, you need to work hard. I think that’s something that most people are prepared to do.
 People who don’t realize they’re working hard are really cool. People who make great efforts but never boast about it, and who can be a help to others. People who are natural when they’re working hard. I really respect them. I think it’s a line that can only be said to those limited people.

 You can’t take it at face value.


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