キツかった一週間[A tough week]

投稿者: | 2022-05-16







A tough week

 Last week was a very bad week. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the worst week of my life, but it was pretty bad. I don’t know if you can call it “resolved” just because it ended in “failure,” but this matter was “resolved” for the time being. So I am okay with the situation, but mentally, this failure is going to last for a very long time. The damage is great. I may have sleepless nights again for a while.
 I think this incident is simply a story of my own stupidity, or rather, my weak heart, which has been exposed. Also “typical” of me, my unfortunate human nature has caused a crisis that threatens my own life. The damage is done, but I am truly relieved that it has been resolved.

 Now, as always, the question is how I will live again from tomorrow with this damage dragging on. To be honest, I don’t want to leave my room. I don’t even want to go to work. I don’t want to eat or take a bath, so I just want to stay in my room, watch movies or foreign dramas, and get away from reality. I want to forget the bad things. There will be times when I will need time to recover.

 But I will try to face up to it again and do my best. Even though I am such a pathetic person, I have a family, a workplace and colleagues, and an environment in which I can live a happy life. The sun has risen again today. I have no choice but to thank God. And as part of my determination to “do my best,” I was able to write a few words today as well, albeit briefly. This is a very happy accomplishment.
 But in reality, it is not that simple to get back on track. The truth is that it was very hard for me to write, to face myself. I was able to write today, but I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Maybe I will not be able to blog for a while. That’s how hard this past week has been for me. But I think these are the times when I have to work the hardest. The week that starts with such instability is definitely going to be tough.

 If I live, these things will surely happen again, and I will probably cause them myself. I will always be a fool who never learns. I also feel like I don’t pray enough. Come to think of it, my mind has been caught up in other things lately, and I feel like my prayers have been shallow. Anyway, I’ll start again tomorrow.

 When the wounds have healed, if I can talk to you: ……


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