自由意志[Free Will]

投稿者: | 2022-06-23







Free Will

 I watched the foreign drama “Preacher” until the very end. It is based on an American comic book, I believe. There were many disgusting scenes where human organs were popping out, and I was not good at such things, but after watching “The Walking Dead,” I seem to have become immune to them.
 As a believer in Christianity, I could not watch this drama if I stuck to Christianity. For example, there is a scene in which God comes down to the human world and has a normal conversation with a human, but unless you dismiss it as fiction, it is not something I can accept. There are four seasons in total, and I enjoyed watching the show until about the entrance at the end of the first season, when it became interesting from a Christian point of view. I was even looking for clues in the way they viewed Christianity. However, when God actually appeared in the film, things started to get a little weird, and I wondered if there were anti-Christian ideas hidden in the film, and I thought about stopping watching it halfway through.

 I don’t want to use the word “tolerance” in a strange and convenient way, but I thought that even if the work was blasphemous in content, if I found it interesting, I should watch it. Maybe it is because I am an unbaptized “fake” Christian like myself. If I were a real Christian, I might have protested to the producer of the program and demanded that the distribution of the program be stopped. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it caused such a big commotion.
 However, if you feel antipathy or even anger toward the content of the program, I think you should just not watch it. It is simply a matter of ignoring it. I think it is more typical of Christians, who are famous for their tolerance, to simply let it go and say, “Well, there are people who see God in that way. Besides, I feel that devout people know that their way of thinking may not be the whole story.

 I hear that there are countries where the great people have a government policy not to show certain movies or news to the general public. They say it is controlled by way of invoking coercion, canceling theatrical releases, changing the content of television broadcasts, and blocking the Internet. The other day the news reported that a movie containing a scene in which two people of the same sex kissed had been cancelled in one country for religious reasons. I was saddened.

 I feel that “free will” was one of the major themes in today’s drama “Preacher. I think I consistently caught glimpses of the characters’ attitude of not being bound by anything, making their own decisions, and taking full responsibility for what they have done. They were not deceived by the strong and sweet temptation from God, but went their own way with a strong will. And as human beings, they chose the most ordinary path.
 I think it should be up to the individual to decide whether or not to become a Christian, to fall in love with the same sex, to criticize one’s own country, and to watch the movie or not. No one should control them. But I wonder if I feel that way because I am a member of the West.

 Yeah, it was fun!


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