
投稿者: | 2022-06-26








 I think we are taught from a very young age not to lie. Children don’t know that lying is a nature that can be caught, so they try to protect themselves by lying when they do something wrong so that their parents won’t be angry with them. They think that if they do it well, they will never be found out. They have been trained in this way since before they can remember, but when they grow up, they start lying again, as if the gag has been lifted. Human beings are creatures that continue to make mistakes.

 If you watch the news, you will see that even the biggest corporations, when they have scandals or problems, try to get away with it by hiding it or lying. Or perhaps they are afraid of social sanctions. After studying hard for entrance exams in high school, college, or even before that, they finally succeed in joining a prestigious company, work hard and rise to the top, and then lie to cover up the company’s scandal. What ups and downs! It seems like a checkered life. But perhaps by publicly apologizing, he is preparing himself for his next secure post. If so, the apology itself is a lie.

 In this society, where a “huge lie” is told by the head of a country, “We will not conclude a nuclear weapons convention in order not to start a war,” it is hard to believe anything adults say anymore, isn’t it? Unfortunately, I am one of those adults. I can’t blame young people for being more pessimistic.
 In the midst of all this, there was a news story that blew me away a little the other day. A person got drunk and lost his bag containing a USB drive with important data in it. It is no laughing matter. If that data were to leak out, it would be a serious incident that could put tens of thousands of people at risk of being involved in fraud or some other kind of trouble. The people involved must have been looking for the missing bag with bloodshot eyes.

 But I thought the idea of disclosing the whole story was brilliant. I laughed when I heard a serious-looking announcer on NHK’s 7 o’clock news reading “drunk ……,” etc. I was wondering if I was the only one who was inclined to forgive the drunken man and say, “Well, that happens sometimes. I mean, there is nothing more sloppy in the world of business than a drunkenness. I give kudos to the task force for being the first to expose such a shameful part of themselves.
 Of course it was wrong of them to carry around such important data while going out drinking. I hope they will reflect on that, and it should never happen again. But human beings are creatures that do such things. I think it is wonderful to have the spirit to admit that, to give up, and to honestly say everything when we have done it. In this society that is so entrenched in lies, this news was like a refreshing breath of fresh air. I am glad they found the bag.

 I guess they had no choice but to tell the truth.


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