
投稿者: | 2022-07-14








 I was not a child who liked to read. Although I did not read, I did like mystery novels, and I loved reading Edogawa Rampo, Arsene Lupin, Conan Doyle, and the like. I have forgotten the name of the author of Arsene Lupin, but for some reason I remember Conan Doyle. At the time, I preferred Arsène Lupin to Sherlock Holmes, perhaps because the name “Lupin” left a stronger impression on me than anything else. Later, the animated film “Lupin III” became a big hit, and the main character, Lupin III, was the grandson of Arsene Lupin, and I remember feeling a sense of superiority that I did not quite understand where it came from, thinking, “I know my grandfather.

 That is why I love mystery movies. I am also a fan of action movies, and when they combine action with such trick elements, I really can’t get enough of it. However, it seems that in the recent film industry, the days of being able to create a hit movie just by having great action are over. For example, it seems that just shooting each other with machine guns in a flashy manner is not enough to satisfy viewers.
 At any rate, I have the impression that the level of scriptwriting has improved considerably compared to a decade ago. Nowadays, the demand for movie productions that can only be seen on the Internet, such as Amazon Originals and HBO, is probably growing, so simply put, I expect that the “video production” industry is expanding. Although the number of people visiting theaters may be decreasing, I believe that the modern Internet video environment, which allows people to watch as many movies as they want from the comfort of their homes, will continue to demand new content. In this environment, I think the quality of “books” has improved dramatically, at least for many of the films that caught my eye.

 I am watching the movie “SHERLOCK”. This is very interesting. I’ve been drawn into it quite a bit. Each episode is about 90 minutes long, which is about the same length as a movie, but it is in the form of a serial drama. However, there are only three episodes per season, so I am not sure if it can be called a serial drama. At the moment, you can watch up to season 4 on Amazon Prime. I recommend it most highly.

 I don’t know if the phrase “Developing new ideas based on study of the past” is appropriate. With so many new productions coming out one after another, it is no wonder that even the genius scriptwriters are running out of ideas. I understand the feeling of extending one’s hand to the legacy left by one’s predecessors. As long as they deliver something interesting, I don’t see any problem at all, and as an old fan, I am rather happy. I think Dr. Doyle would be pleased as well.
 However, no matter how big a fan of Sherlock Holmes I am, I don’t want to watch a new movie when I know how the story will unfold and how it will end. Fortunately, in these four seasons, there was no “Oh, I know that one. It is not that I remember the contents of the books I read long ago, but even if I did remember them, I would definitely like to see a new ending. I am sure that such things have been taken into consideration, but I would like to eliminate unnecessary worries and immerse myself in watching this wonderful work of art. Thank you to the filmmakers.

 I feel nostalgic when I watch it.


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