ドロドロの心[Heart of Sludge]

投稿者: | 2022-07-15







Heart of Sludge

 Many of us have experienced the lonely feeling of “I’m working so hard, but I’m not being rewarded. I’m working so hard, but no one is noticing. It is not always the case that our efforts are rewarded. I think I am the type of person who tends to think that way. If I don’t get noticed enough, I sometimes appeal to myself. I tell people, “This is how much work I do. Maybe people are aware of my work, but as for me, I want to be sure that I am being watched. I think that’s how I try to stabilize myself.

 I know it sounds pretty, but I don’t think that’s good enough. It’s not cool. That’s not the kind of person I want to be. I want to be a person who can do what I believe I should do, or what I want to do, without worrying about what anyone else thinks of me. Is that too cool? But I really think so.
 I am not saying that I want to be a loner who does not care about others. On the contrary, I want to live my life while helping those around me. I want to be able to interact with others and do my best to do what I need to do. After all, you can’t grow unless you are rubbed up against other people. I really think so, but in reality, my heart is not so fresh, but more muddled with jealousy and inferiority complexes. Ideals and reality diverge here as well.

 Even if no one sees me doing my best, it should not matter because God is surely watching me. I am not a Christian, but I believe in the Christian God, so I think it is normal and proper to think that way. However, the reality is that it is not so easy to separate the two. If I am not rewarded, I still feel frustrated, and I may even resent someone on the spur of the moment. I am always talking big, but that is my truth. I will recognize it, admit it, and look at it. And from there, how I live my life will be questioned.

 In the end, I think the question is, “Where do I place my axis? My axis is set on me. I am stubbornly dominated by self-centered thinking. I am the one who places myself at the center of the world in preference to God. That’s what I think. This proves that I am not fully thankful from the bottom of my heart for the life I am given every day. I think I am grateful in my head, but I feel that my soul is not responding. I am starting to feel a gradual change, so I am not in the dark, but there is a strong feeling that the trials are still to come.
 I am a slow learner, so I think I have to repeat the process of “reprimanding, becoming jealous and disappointed again, realizing and admitting it to myself, and reprimanding again. In this seemingly eternal cycle, I would like to try to move my feet closer to God’s direction, even if it is only little by little. I wouldn’t care if no one notices.

 I want to think, “It doesn’t matter if I don’t get rewarded.


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