
投稿者: | 2022-07-29








 Talk about actors acting on stage, TV, etc. I am often drawn into a production because I am fascinated by their acting. For me, there are good actors and bad actors, and in addition to the quality of the script, in many cases, the quality of the work depends on their acting. Once they are recognized for their acting ability, many people will go to the theater because “it’s a production starring that person. Needless to say, actors play an important role in a production.

 I wonder how they are able to give such good performances. Maybe they are geniuses. Perhaps it is luck, but since they are able to become famous, it can be said that they are blessed with a certain amount of “talent”. Of course, there must be a certain amount of effort involved as well.
 I’m not sure about that part, being of limited talent and all, In my own way, I can think of other reasons, I think they are people with strong sensitivities. I think they have an excellent ability to relive, or rather, they are able to feel other people’s experiences as if they were their own, take them into themselves, and express them skillfully. To “feel and become” is, after all, one of the great talents.

 I believe that the richness of an actor’s personal experience helps him or her to relive the experiences of the characters in the film. No matter how genius an actor may be, if you ask someone who has never been heartbroken to act like a heartbroken person, it will not go very well. Wouldn’t it? Is it possible that someone with talent can act without experience, just by imagination?
 There is no way to have the exact same experience as someone else, and there is no need for it. However, if you are sad, you need to keep the experience of feeling sadness as real as possible in your mind’s drawer so that you can bring it out and express it when you are called upon. When I think about it in this way, I realize that good actors are those who have accumulated many different kinds of emotions through their various experiences. To do so, they may, for example, have dabbled in drugs, gambled lavishly, indulged in affairs, and experienced things in the world that an ordinary person like me would never have a chance to see.

 Someone once said, “Life is an act. It is true that there is a part of it. It does not mean that we cheat, but there are times when we push aside our own emotions to encourage others or to negotiate successfully. Depending on how you look at it, that could be called “acting. I have already mentioned that I believe that experience is an important factor in good acting. If I am right, then experience is also important in real life.
 In addition, I believe that it is not just a matter of having more experiences. It is important to know how you feel, what you think, and how you perceive each event or stimulus as an experience. I believe that the seriousness with which you approach each event or stimulus makes the difference and creates an original experience.
 Having unrealistic experiences is not the only way to improve your acting. Reading books and watching movies are also valuable experiences. Nothing is wasted, I suppose. The quality of your acting depends on how you perceive each and every one of these experiences.

 I guess it’s also important to accumulate them as an actor.


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