「Insurance? Insurance?」と聞かれて、私は当時insuranceという言葉の意味が分からず、その場に黙って立ち尽くしていた。そこに後ろから日本人の方が「保険です。保険のことです。」と助け船を出してくれて難を逃れたことがあった。20歳の時に一人で行ったカナディアンロッキー山脈のバンフという小さな町で、レンタカーを借りた時の話。受付カウンターで担当のカナダ人が、万が一事故が起きたときのために、保険に入っておきますか?という質問を私にしてくれたのだった。
そこでニューヨークのホテルを予約してもらおうとボストンのトラベラーズエイドを訪ねた。カウンターの女性はとても親切に対応してくれて、私の拙い英語に根気強く付き合ってくれた。後ろに並んでいる人の表情が気になるくらい長い時間をかけさせてしまったが、しっかりニューヨークのホテルを予約することができた。すると私はそんなにも親切にしてくれた女性に対して、Thank youの一言さえ告げたかどうか分からないほど、突然その場から立ち去ってしまった。必死に英語で説明して無事に予約ができたと分かると、我に返って急に恥ずかしくなったような感覚だったと思う。私は何と不躾な態度を取ってしまったことだろう。チップさえ置いてきていない。心の底から後悔している。何故あんな風にしてしまったんだろう。
Shameful thing about travelling
I stood there silently, not understanding the meaning of the word “insurance” at the time. Then a Japanese man came up behind me and said, “It’s insurance. Insurance. I was 20 years old when I rented a car in Banff, a small town in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. At the reception counter, the Canadian in charge asked me if I wanted to buy insurance in case of an accident.
I remember that I quickly walked away without looking back at the Japanese man who helped me, in other words, without even a word of thanks. What a rude and poor attitude I must have had.
I spent the next few weeks traveling around North America. I had come to Boston with a style of travel that did not allow me to decide in advance which hotel or other facilities I would stay at. I had decided to make New York my final stop on this solo trip, and I had decided to take a bus from Boston to New York for my final stop. Even though I was that reckless, I was worried that I would not be able to enter New York, the world’s crime capital, for the first time without at least deciding where I would stay.
So I visited Traveler’s Aid in Boston to make a reservation at a hotel in New York. The woman at the counter was very kind and patiently helped me with my poor English. I spent so much time that I was worried about the expressions on the faces of the people in line behind me, but I was able to make a reservation for a hotel in New York. Then I walked away so abruptly that I am not sure if I even said a word of “Thank you” to the woman who had been so kind to me. I think I felt a sense of sudden embarrassment when I realized that I had successfully made a reservation after frantically explaining in English. How rude I had been. I didn’t even leave a tip. I regret it from the bottom of my heart. Why did I behave like that?
Since both of these events were centered around a conversation in unfamiliar English, it is conceivable that I was feeling unusual pressure. The place where they occurred was also a foreign country, so I would not have been in my usual state of mind. I think I was feeling a kind of tension. Such an unusual environment may have caused my attitude to change in an impolite direction. My weakness and instability were also on display. However, it was also an experience, and although I was sorry to the other party, it is probably not a bad thing.
What I wanted to say today is the fact that no matter where I go, in the end, the aforementioned “contact with people” has the greatest impact on me and is stored in my mind. Naturally, many things happened during that month-long trip. I had many wonderful experiences, from the postcard-perfect views of the Canadian Rockies to the hot sun of Sea World, from the frenzy of Fenway Park to the nighttime views of the skyscrapers. But the most memorable part of all these experiences, however, was the fellowship with people.
I’ve been traveling so rarely lately that I’ve lost the chance for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, and today I’m thinking back to 35 years ago, and once more appreciating the beauty of travel.
The energy, it was there!