伝える形[Form of Communication]

投稿者: | 2022-12-14







Form of Communication

 Perhaps “communicating” is one major task for me. I am still not sure if communicating is my “mission. However, when I look at everything I have done up until now through the keyword “communicating,” both in my work and private life, everything seems to be connected. It feels like I have always been the one who wants to communicate, and I have been trying to communicate all my life.

 So what exactly have I been trying to tell, and to whom? This is a big theme that will lead me to search for the meaning of my life, and it is not a question that can be answered easily. I will write today on the condition that this is my “view at the present time. As for the “to whom” part, it could be “to God” or “to Jesus,” or it could be “to all people. The “to whom” is not a question that carries much weight with me at this point.
 As for the “what” part, I think it should be “myself. I am the person I am. In other words, I should explain that I am a person who sees, feels, and thinks in this way. It is not like a news program that tells the facts as they are, without processing incidents and events, but rather through the filter of “me. By doing so, I can let people know how I perceive things and what I think. How the listener perceives it afterwards is up to that person. I cannot interfere. For me, I think it is enough at this point if I can tell them.

 Considering the fact that I once went to Canada to become a film director, and that I am now making videos and other advertising media for a living, I think that subconsciously this fundamental desire to “communicate” may have led me to the actual act of creating media.
 This blog I am writing now is a perfect example of this. It is truly a commentary on my mind. I am not sure if I am getting the message across, but I am proud that I am doing the best I can. Facing myself in order to come up with a story is often painful, but I feel as if a strong “I want to communicate” is being expressed in the real world in a tangible way that I had never felt before I started writing. Does this mean that I have found a concrete “place” to communicate?

 I think it is important to “keep on communicating. Again, I am not sure if this is my “mission” that God has given me. However, there is no doubt that I feel a sense of “mission” right now, and I am volunteering and doing various other things. At the same time, however, I have a doubt in my mind as to whether it will be meaningful to others if I share my own way of thinking with them.
 I believe that sharing my thoughts with others will benefit them in some small way, and that is why I continue to do my best. If you do not seek results and value the process of devoting yourself to the best of your ability, that may be fine. However, as for me, I will continue to walk in search of the right answer for all people.

 What is the mission?


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