謝罪の難しさ[The Difficulty of Apology]

投稿者: | 2023-03-08

 日本人はすぐに「謝る」と言われる。あまり良い事ではないと言う意味の、否定的な見解だ。日本語で「すみません」はちょっとした挨拶代わりに使うケースもあると思うので、あまり日本のことを知らない外国の方が安易に直訳してしまった結果なのかもしれない。日本人は外人から攻撃されると弱い体質があるのか、特にその見解に反論するような意見を日本側から聞いたことはない。確かに「すみません」は英訳すれば「I’m sorry」だろうが、「excuse me」の意で使う場合も多い。その辺のややこしさは外国の方たちには難しいのかもしれない。






The Difficulty of Apology

 Japanese are said to be quick to “apologize”. It is a negative view, meaning it is not a very good thing. In Japanese, “Sumimasen[I’m sorry]” is used in some cases as a small greeting, so this may be the result of easy direct translation by foreigners who do not know much about Japan. Perhaps Japanese people have a tendency to be weak when attacked by foreigners, but I have not heard any opinions from the Japanese side that particularly refute this view. It is true that the English translation of “Sumimasen” is “I’m sorry,” but it is often used to mean “excuse me. The confusion may be difficult for foreign people to understand.
 Just so you know, when you put it that way, I feel that there are many Japanese who apologize “easily. There have been many occasions when I have felt that it was unnatural to apologize, saying, “You don’t have to apologize.

 On the other hand, when I was involved in a car collision, no matter how bad I was, I was sometimes told not to apologize first to the other party. I was told that if I apologized, it would put me at a disadvantage in subsequent negotiations. I think that is the wrong way to respond. If you have done something wrong, the first thing you should do is apologize. I don’t think this is the time to hesitate because of profit-loss considerations.
 When I think about it, there seems to be a bit of a problem with the Japanese way of apologizing, whether it is too easy or too late.

 Watching the news yesterday, I heard that a rocket launch had failed and the person responsible was apologizing at a press conference. He said, “I am very sorry that we failed to meet the expectations of so many people. I couldn’t help but feel saddened. Was this something he had to apologize for?
 It must have been very frustrating for him to see the result of all his efforts over the years end in failure. I can only imagine the shame he must have felt. And the fact that a project that had cost so much had to be abandoned must have been a serious responsibility, as it has caused a major stall in the progress of Japanese rocket development. Still, however, I have yet to find any reason why these people should apologize to the Japanese people.

 I have my regrets, too. It is more correct to say that I am surprised at the failure. I am once again reminded of how difficult it is for even such extremely talented people to fail.
 I look forward to their next challenge. This failure after repeated postponements is certainly painful, but I don’t think they need to worry about it or apologize for it. When it comes to money, it is a terrible loss, but it is wrong to hold the people on the ground responsible for the costs as well. I hope that the upper echelon will take care of the money and that they will rise from their disappointment as quickly as possible and do their best again.
 This failure has made me feel more attached to this rocket business, which I was not so interested in. I am sure there are more than a few others like that. They should try as many times as they want. I would like to see their rocket succeed and glide through space someday.

 After all, do Japanese people apologize too much?


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