その先のための過去[Past for Beyond]

投稿者: | 2023-03-27







Past for Beyond

 I believe that there are times when people have feelings for a place or a structure. For example, in my case, I have a strong attachment to the high school from which I graduated. Other times, when I go to a certain place, I feel sentimental feelings, or when I pass by a certain place, I feel a sense of regret, or some other combination of memories and place. The act of reminiscing, of giving my mind a rest, of remembering my first thoughts, sometimes gives me the energy to move forward strongly. I don’t think there is anything wrong with visiting a nostalgic place once in a while when you are stuck.

 However, there are those who cling to the past more than necessary and, in my opinion, are not “self-reliant. They are the ones who are stuck in the past and cannot get out of it, thinking “that was the way it was then” or “that person would not have done that”. I believe we must make new decisions for the future based on our past experiences. However, there are many cases in which former events have become glorious and shining, haunting those who live in the present.

 I too have a tendency to long for the past. Perhaps it is something that happens to everyone. I understand the psychology of trying to stabilize one’s future by diving into the past, where there are no new challenges, or by beautifying the past, setting it up as a good example, and trying to return to it. It is easier to do so. However, in the chaos of not knowing what the right answer is, I think it is one wise thing to seek clues from the past, but if we use that as a cover to run away from new challenges, we will never get to our mission.
 I would like to discern what needs to be maintained and what needs to be changed. It is not an easy task, because it is not something that can be divided into two categories by drawing a line so quickly, and it will be a battle against my laziness to see how far I can persistently push the envelope. But I think this is the crucial point. Even if it is painful, I would still like to continue my attempts to think things through.

 We cannot move forward if we cling to our memories. I believe that precious memories stay in our hearts to support each of our future paths. It is okay to be comforted by the gentle whispers of good memories. But it would be disrespectful to the memories if they were to be swept away in an easygoing way. It would be a lack of respect for the people who once came to know us and the experiences we have cultivated. That is how I feel. For the sake of those we have met, we must walk forward. I think we can change because of our past.

 Thank you God!

その先のための過去[Past for Beyond]」への2件のフィードバック


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