内的探求[Internal Quest]

投稿者: | 2023-03-28




 私の感覚でしかないのだが、自分に向き合っている人とそうでない人とは、何と言うか、人間的な深みが違うように感じる。向き合っている人には私の得意なちょっと“重い”話でも聞いてもらえる気がする。それが良いことなのかどうかはまた別の話だ。“深み”という言葉に対するイメージは人それぞれで、“深み”は人によっては煩わしさになり得る。自分の感覚が何に対してでもいつも正しいと考えることは傲慢だと思う。ただ他者が私に感じさせてくれる “深み”は、話をしてみたいという好奇心を無性に駆り立てる吸引力を持っていることは確かだ。



Internal Quest

 I have always written on this blog about how important it is to be in touch with one’s heart. This is similar to meditation or prayer. But even if the entrance is like that, as you get more and more focused, it is more like asking yourself, “How do you really feel? I always try to probe into my heart, even though the answer is often not forthcoming.

 This process is mentally painful. For me, it is an attempt to see what I do not want to see. It must be an act against my feelings. Now it occurred to me to change my perspective a bit and think about why it is so hard for me to face my mind. One reason, of course, is that if you don’t concentrate, you can’t reach deep into your heart. If you really want to concentrate, it takes a lot of energy, and you can live safely even without facing your mind, so I think there is also the hassle of having to do things that you don’t have to do.
 However, I think the main reason why facing the mind is a difficult task is because we are afraid of encountering our true selves. They do not want to be disappointed when they find their true selves, which are so far from their ideal selves. Once they find it, they will be forced to admit that they are not good enough, and they will never be able to forget that image. We may have to live in fear of that true self, which may surface at any moment. I feel that exploring one’s own mind is such a dangerous task. However, what I think is possible is that each of us may be aware of the existence of our own bad self at the time we decide to face our own hearts.

 I often write blustery things like, “This is the critical moment,” or “Every day is a battle with myself. But while I may really feel that way today, tomorrow I may just be cowering in the shadows of something else. I am such a lazy person. The more I face my mind, the more I find myself unable to do anything about it. A flustered, restless, and truly untrustworthy person. I believe that is the true me.

 Fortunately or unfortunately, through repeated encounters with my disappointing self, I have come to give up on myself to some extent, in a good way. I have come to understand the value of something like “humility,” even though I often feel sad and despondent, saying, “I’m just like this. This must be my reward for continuing to face up to it.
 It is just my feeling, but I feel that people who face themselves are different from those who do not face themselves, in some way, in terms of human depth. I feel that people who are facing themselves are able to listen to my “heavy” stories, which I am good at. Whether that is a good thing or not is another story. The word “depth” has a different image for each person, and “depth” can be an annoyance for some people. I think it is arrogant to think that my sense is always right for everything. However, I am sure that the “depth” that others make me feel has an attractive force that drives my curiosity to talk to them.

 It’s scary to know that I’m not good enough…


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